Photo Courtesy of SFPUC


民事和岩土工程师丹尼尔·韦德(Daniel L.新利18备用网址他能够熟练地指导计划中一些技术上最复杂的项目的计划,设计和建设,这使他在2014年1月晋升为董事。新利18备用网址

"Being part of a program that has a clear purpose and such a tremendous benefit to the public has been inspiring," Wade says.

With the program 85% complete, tough remaining projects mean WSIP faces "some of its most demanding challenges," says Emilio Cruz, SFPUC assistant general manager. "We are confident that Dan's strong leadership and water infrastructure expertise will enable us to complete this program successfully."


The collaboration has resulted in innovations in design, constructibility and project management. At the Hayward Fault Seismic Upgrade, for example, designers combined multiple strategies adapted from other industries to protect an essential water pipeline during an earthquake. Housed within an underground articulated concrete "vault" box, which can flex up to 6.5 ft like an accordion, the pipeline also can rotate via two massive, 72-in. ball joints—the largest ever manufactured. A 77-ton slip joint equipped with pressure- balancing cylinders allows up to 9 ft of compression.
