作为Shams综合体的核心,位于阿布扎比海岸的人造雷姆岛上,门户塔楼是酋长国的建筑图标之一。由三层楼高的Skybridge“帽子”连接的三座64层塔楼,这座耗资11亿美元的门户塔楼(也称为大门)需要复杂的工程学以及大型劳动力的协调来满足其预算和快速的 -轨道截止日期。

该项目的国际团队早就确定,他们不会损害标准以满足日程安排。总部位于新泽西州的希尔国际(Hill International)的项目总监戴维·鲁普(David Rupp)说:“所有者和团队的其他成员都非常愿意以一种新的方式做事。”“这不是在这里做事的方式,有很多官僚主义。”

根据鲁普的说法,总部位于阿布扎比的项目所有者Sorouh Real Estate Co.授予项目团队在决策中的纬度比通常在阿拉伯联合酋长国工作时授予的更大的纬度,从而可以快速实施更改。

除了建立三座塔楼所涉及的挑战之外,工程的真正壮举是在添加两层“帽子”的时候。项目团队认为,在地面上的多个零件中建造结构会更容易,然后将它们提起到位。鲁普回忆说:“那是世界上有史以来最高的杰克升降机。”“在地面上建造它们是非常有意义的。”该过程以四个升降机完成,每个升降机大约需要三天。工程公司Arup被带入顾问,以提出有关网关塔的顶部的提升,协助阿布扎比的主要承包商阿拉伯建筑和钢铁制造商和Erector Eversendai Corp.。



The construction process also provided an opportunity to train the workforce. "We used the first tower going up as a mock-up: Everything we did in the first tower, we would take extra time to study and go through it with the workforce. Not just things like formwork but also any safety issues," says Rupp. "By the time we did the second and third tower and the mid-rise in the middle, these guys understood what we were looking for."


The original design called for four towers, with extensive luxury space in each. The new design eliminated one tower and, to get more rentable space, redesigned the interiors of the remaining three. "Even after removing the cost of the fourth tower, we still found 40% of cost savings in the remaining three," says Rupp. "We actually increased efficiency of the design by over 50%, greatly increasing the rentable areas." Despite an evolving floor plan during construction, the project kept to all its deadlines and remained under budget. "It was a unique project, particularly due to the freedom the Sorouh team allowed us—perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime project," says Rupp.

Owner:Sorouh Real Estate Co.

Concept Design: Arquitectonica, Coconut Grove, Miami

Architect-Engineer: Khatib & Alami

专案经理:新泽西州马尔顿的Hill International Inc.


Structural Engineering Consultant:美国,美国,纽约市