Photo courtesy of PCL Construction

3.51亿美元的迦南dian Museum for Human Rights,with nearly indescribable shapes nicknamed Mountain (main building), Cloud (entrance facade glazing), Tower of Hope (spire) and Roots (splayed legs), had all the usual challenges of asymmetrical and nonrepetitive architecture. To overcome them, the team relied heavily on shared 3D reference models that provided x,y,z coordinates to help locate the giant puzzle pieces.

"The building's irregular and nonrepetitive shape did not allow for the use of typical, repetitive construction techniques," said one judge. "As a result, very detailed coordination and meticulous planning had to be implemented at every step." Another said, "Wonderful basis of design, stunning execution."




The local trades were not familiar with virtual design and construction tools. The building team leaders helped the less experienced contractors develop their own in-house VDC capabilities by holding general meetings during the bidding process. Following the award of the major subcontracts, PCL and Smith Carter worked closely with the subtrades to help with their model-development capabilities. The local mechanical and electrical contractors currently use VDC tools on all major jobs, says PCL.


该建筑提到了树根,雪和冰的效果以及云的发挥,受到了大自然和草原景观的启发。Antoine Predock's intention was to elicit specific emotional responses from the visitors' "journey to enlightenment." The building team got the architect's message. They looked at the job as a journey to create a piece of inspirational sculpture, not merely a building.


所有者:Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Government of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba

设计建筑师:Antoine Predock建筑师PC,Albuquerque

建筑经理:PCL Constructors Canada Inc.,温尼伯,曼尼托巴省

Structural Engineer:多伦多的CH2MHILL CO. YOLLES


执行建筑师:Smith Carter Architects and Engineers Inc., Winnipeg