When Singapore's Building and Construction Authority issued its Green Mark guidelines in 2006, the South Asian island city-state moved to the forefront of sustainable design and construction for the 21st century.

The program, a tropical-climate version of the U.S. LEED rating system, immediately gained acceptance in the one-party state, where public policy is put into practice quickly. By 2013, 15 countries had submitted more than 200 projects for certification, according to John Keung, BCA chief executive, who led the rollout of Green Mark's third iteration in 2013.



凭借一党的规则,“我们是由城市建筑管理局开发的政府机构,” Keung说。“我们可以更好地确保您根据设计建造。如果不这样做,您将没有建造许可证。”

Singapore imports all its energy, so research and development is important, says Keung, who studied urban planning in Canada, the U.K. and France. "We need to innovate, push the boundary [and] go into R&D to encourage better design."

