Photo by Michael Mahesh/Port Authority of NY & NJ
The 16-acre World Trade Center is considered the most complicated development anywhere.


The early opening was quite an achievement. It would not have happened without the dedication of thousands of people involved in the 16-acre WTC rebuild. But the consensus is that Steven Plate is the person who made it possible.

Plate is deputy chief of capital planning and director of WTC construction for the WTC's landowner, the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey. The port authority is building the new WTC infrastructure, coordinating all WTC projects and developing four of them. This includes the estimated $3.4-billion WTC Transportation Hub, the underground vehicle security center and the future-tallest building in the Western Hemisphere: the 1,776-ft One WTC.

Stewardship of all the work falls to Plate. "He has the most difficult project probably in the world," says Anthony J. Sartor, chairman of Paulus, Sokolowski & Sartor, Warren, N.J., and a port authority commissioner. "It's incredible what he has been able to accomplish."

Considered smart, hands on and demanding, Plate is respected for creating a climate of cooperation among historically fierce competitors and for keeping the peace in a giant pressure cooker. "Some of the contractors may not like him at times, but they respect him," says Sartor.


AECOM公司Tishman Construction Corp.执行副总裁Michael J. Mennella说:“我从未见过如此致力于一个项目。”当地公司拥有多个WTC项目。新利18备用网址


当纽约市市长迈克尔·彭博(Michael Bloomberg)(9月11日纪念与博物馆基金会)决定在2011年9月11日之前开放广场。,这颠覆了其他几个项目。新利18备用网址


There will likely be other WTC crises, but that doesn't dampen spirits. "It's an amazing job that's been done, and Steve Plate is the leader of it," says Dominick Servedio, executive chairman of the local STV Inc., which has several WTC roles. "Managing any one project is difficult but taking on them all is Herculean."