Baker's model already is being replicated at the expansion of the original test case—the Research Support Facility at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
丹尼斯·施罗德(Dennis Schroeder)/nrel的照片

美国能源部的杰弗里·M·贝克(Jeffrey M. Baker)是变革的推动者。多亏了他的愿景和领导才能,美国各地的建筑团队都可以利用第一个经过现场测试的,可复制的基于性能的设计构建模型,用于负担得起的超级能力高效的建筑物。

“We think we have defined a new standard for performance in office buildings, schools, hospitals and labs,” says Baker, an environmental engineer who is director of laboratory operations in the field office of DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) in Golden, Colo.

Proof of process is the 220,000-sq-ft Research Support Facility (RSF) at the国家可再生能源实验室(NREL),该计划于六月开放。该设施充满了节能系统,并在下个月被完全占用后旨在达到零净能量使用(NZEU)。当然,这是世界上最大的NZEU大楼。


“这座建筑是一个展示柜,” Eere前工商管理前助理秘书John Sullivan说。Sullivan目前是弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市Decker,Garman&Sullivan LLC的能源顾问,是贝克的前老板。

Baker started on his quest to create the $57.4-million RSF in 1995. “If not for Jeff’s vision and perseverance, that building would not be sitting there now,” says Sullivan. “He overcame many obstacles that would have caused most people to throw in the towel.”

Philip Macey, division manager for high-performance buildings for the RSL’s design-build contractor, Haselden Construction, Centennial, Colo., calls Baker’s accomplishment “practically impossible” because the project at once changed how the government buys buildings and how much energy is consumed.

The project is creating a stir and the how-to manual isn’t even out yet. Well over 800 visitors have toured the building. Representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Dept. of Homeland Security and the U.S. Coast Guard have attended workshops.
