马克·洛泽(Mark Loizeaux)在他已故的父亲约翰(John)创立的《拆除拆除公司》(Controlded Demolition Inc.)的四十年中,在他的四十年以上爆炸了约2,000个结构。马克(Mark)占据了冷却塔,竞技场,体育场,桥梁,高大而短的建筑物,钢架和混凝土框架,所有这些都在地球上。

Loizeaux Triumphs Over His Most Daunting Implosion in More Than Four Decades

But none of his previous jobs match the implosion of the structurally ailing, 379.9-ft-tall Ocean Tower project in South Padre Island, Texas. After more than six months of intense preparation, CDI dropped that building successfully on Dec. 13, without injuries or incidents.

The topped-out, half-clad and partly furnished condominium tower was as close to a stumper as they come because it was a distressed, unstable hybrid structure. There was ongoing differential settlement between the unbonded post-tensioned concrete section at the base and the reinforced-concrete tower.

Observers say the failed structural elements looked as if they had been through an earthquake. Responsibility for the problem is the subject of litigation between the owner and the project’s geotechnical and structural engineers.

The distress meant Loizeaux could not rely on the structure’s behavior during the shoot. Beyond that, the site, surrounded by protected dunes, the Gulf of Mexico and roads, was hemmed in. Also, it was only 12 ft to the property line of a residential development.


Mark Loizeaux

Loizeaux’s experience, expertise and dedication to safety led to the successful controlled demolition of a faulty Texas tower.


“The implosion of Ocean Towers went so smoothly that it was as if we had rehearsed this several times,” says Javiar Vargas, South Padre Island’s assistant chief of police. “This was mainly due to the calm, collected manner of Mark and his experience and expertise.”
