The National Academy of Construction (NAC), Austin, Texas, has elected 10 construction executives to become members in 2009, recognized for past and expected future contributions to the industry. NAC, founded in 1999, now has 110 members.

The 2009 newly elected members are:

约翰·狄奥尼西奥(John M. Dionisio)洛杉矶AECOM的首席执行官兼总裁,“在运输部门项目项目管理方面的最先进方面的典范领导力”。新利18备用网址

RONALD J. GAFFORD达拉斯奥斯汀工业的董事长,总裁兼首席执行官,是他作为多元化公司的“公认领导人”的角色,以及对专业和公民组织的重大贡献。

G. WILLIAM GILFILLAN是几家大型重型建筑公司的前高管,“通过其公司和主要的建筑行业组织获得了数十年的稳定领导才能。”

GEORGE T. HEERY布鲁克伍德集团(Brookwood Group),亚特兰大(Atlanta)的董事长兼首席执行官,以及长期行业主管,被引用为“建筑管理和计划管理专业的设计与发展的创新者和领导者”。

Melissa B. Herkt,艾默生过程管理过程和解决方案总裁,圣路易斯(St. Louis),她的角色“是项目管理领域的行业领导者,并通过其公司和行业研究组织在系统开发方面的角色”。

Lee A. McIntireCEO of CH2M Hill Cos., Denver, elected to NAC "for being a leader's leader in advancing the technology, business models and EPC project performance around the world."

ROBERT S. O'NEIL,帕森斯运输集团(Parsons Transportation Group)的前总裁兼首席执行官,以及以前的德卢瓦(De Leuw),凯瑟(Cather and Co.

John E. Schaufelberger, professor and chair of construction management at the University of Washington, Seattle, and retired Army Corps of Engineers officer, "for outstanding leadership as a professor and author of textbooks, who brings his many years of industry experience into academia."

MATTHEW M. WALSH, CEO of the Walsh Group Ltd., Chicago, for "leadership through his company in advancing major underground and transportation projects and through professional and academic organizations."

CLIFTON D. WRIGHT, former executive of 3D/International and retired US Air Force officer, "for advancement of project delivery methods in both the military and private sectors, as well as academic and research organizations."