At a time when utilities around the world are searching for “greener” energy solutions, one new waste-to-energy plant is using cutting-edge technology to convert biosolids from nearby wastewater treatment plants into a renewable fuel that will be used to partially power local cement kilns. The $160-million SlurryCarb facility, expected to go online in the first quarter of 2009 in Rialto, Calif., is expected to use less energy to treat and recycle biosolids than traditional wastewater treatment plants, and will be the first commercial application of its kind in the world.

Plant is first commercial use of process.


Bernard Amadei

总部位于亚特兰大的Enertech Environmental的首席执行官凯文·博林(Kevin Bolin)因帮助加利福尼亚市政当局找到一种新的燃料来源,以帮助该州达到其可再生投资组合标准。他于1992年创立了这家公司,以使其祖父发明的Slurrycarb流程具有商业性。洛杉矶县卫生区技术服务总监罗伯特·霍尔瓦斯(Robert Horvath)说:“由于受到土地申请的替代方案的威胁,该项目为生物固体管理提供了完全不同的方法。”