由于他参与了在2000年奥运会期间不久的将犹他州运输部的15亿美元设计建设和犹他州运输部的托管业务进行的15亿美元设计建设以来,吉姆·麦克米米(Jim McMinimee)拥有有关建筑的奥运会野心并不奇怪。UDOT项目开发总监说:“我们不懈地追求更快地交付项目。”新利18备用网址

Utah DOT has embraced use of self-propelled transporters.
Photo: Brad Fullmer
Utah DOT has embraced use of self-propelled transporters.

多亏了一支由合作伙伴的金牌团队,以及抓住加速桥梁建设技术转移技术的理念,乌多(ABC)一直在周末而不是几周内代替桥梁结构。“第一种方法是与设计建造进行,”麦克米米恩指出。“然后,我们尝试了其他ABC方法,例如CM-AT风险。”然后是预制的桥梁元件和自行式模块化转运蛋白(SPMTS)。2007年,荷兰公司Mammoet为犹他州德雷珀的Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Co. Inc.提供了SPMTS,以提升并推出了I-215的两个170万磅的主要跨度I-215,并在300万磅的新范围内滚动在一个周末。接下来是去年12个桥梁更换。他说:“我们的公开调查显示,在500人中,有74%给了我们一个完美的分数。”这鼓励UDOT在其桥梁替换程序中继续使用ABC方法。

其他states have used SPMTs, but not to the extent that UDOT has. “Jim is a champion of ABC,” says Bill Halsband, vice president of business development for Mammoet U.S., Rosharon, Tex. “He came to several of our projects in other states, went back to Utah and said, ‘This is what we should be doing here.’”

24年前最初是UDOT实习生的McMinimee赞扬他的代理机构和其他主要参与者使ABC成为可能。“ Mammoet的工程专业知识是无与伦比的……它给我们带来了极大的安慰。”他补充说:“我们拥有世界上最伟大的承包商。”

Jim McMinimee

UDOT’s project development director pushed for unprecedented use of accelerated bridge-construction methods and best-value bids.

- 吉姆·麦克米米(Jim McMinimee)

Wadsworth Brothers Construction, Draper, Utah, replaced four bridges along I-80 just east of Salt Lake City in 37 hours over two weekends last August. It opted voluntarily to use SPMTs. “It’s all [McMinimee’s] program,” says Guy Wadsworth, the firm’s president. “At the onset, Jim was...pushing the envelope. Through his research with some others at UDOT, they eventually brought contractors into the fold.”

Four more ABC projects are slated for this summer. “We are trying to move away from traditional methods as much as possible and go totally ABC by 2010,” says McMinimee. He adds that UDOT is collaborating with other states to advance the technology, including for high-seismic areas.