在受到工程师,政客和公众的严格审查下,公路安全局局长布鲁斯·A·马格拉德里(Bruce A.和145人受伤。早些时候,NTSB团队很清楚,NTSB说的距离不足,这是事故的关键因素。磁马德里(Magladry)敦促董事会在调查完成之前采取不寻常的步骤,以发出安全建议,董事会同意。

Photo: NTSB


With the early notice, NTSB’s final report, approved on Nov. 14, wasn’t a surprise. It said the collapse’s probable cause was gusset failure due to design error and increased bridge weight from earlier upgrades, plus materials, equipment and traffic when it fell. NTSB also issued nine safety recommendations. FHWA and states have started to act on some of them.


Head of NTSB Office of Highway Safety oversaw 15-month investigation and successfully sought interim safety recommendation on gussets.

Head of NTSB Office of Highway Safety oversaw 15-month investigation and successfully sought interim safety recommendation on gussets.

— Bruce A. Magladry

Ed Lutgen, Minnesota DOT engineering principal, says, “I thought it was an excellent decision. What it did was refocus the energy on the inspections that were ongoing around the nation on the appropriate things.”

Before joining NTSB in 1988, Magladry spent 13 years with the Baltimore County Police Dept., 10 as a detective. He led the unit that investigated criminal aspects of a 1987 railroad crash in Chase, Md., which killed 16 people. His work led to a job offer from NTSB, which also was probing the accident.
