As Republicans' wave of Election Day victories propelled them to control of the Senate and an increased House majority, construction industry officials hold out hope for bipartisan infrastructure bills in the new Congress, especially a new surface-transportation measure, and also see encouraging signs for energy legislation.

Although the GOP won big on Nov. 4, its new power is far from absolute. If the inter-party fights that tied up the current Congress erupt again, gridlock could return.

Republicans lack the 60 Senate votes needed to break a filibuster and are far short of the two-thirds majorities required in both chambers to overturn a presidential veto.




奥巴马总统认为两党在公共工程支出方面的可能性。他在11月5日的新闻发布会上说:“传统上,双方一直是为了创造工作来重建我们的基础设施 - 我们的道路,桥梁,港口,水道。我认为我们可以通过税收改革来付款关闭漏洞,使公司在美国创造就业机会更具吸引力。”

Brian Turmail, an Associated General Contractors of America spokesman, said via email, "Moving forward, we will work hard to encourage Congress and the administration to find common ground on key issues such as infrastructure funding, workforce development measures and tax and immigration reform."

Geoff Burr, Associated Builders and Contractors vice president of government affairs, said, "We look forward to working with the new Republican majority in the Senate and are hopeful that we now have a Congress that will rise above the gridlock we have seen in the past few years and work with industry in crafting pro-growth legislation that will allow our members to be successful in our business and create jobs in their communities."

史蒂夫·霍尔,美国委员会工程伴随矩阵ies vice president of government affairs, said in an interview that the construction-industry impact of the GOP's Election Day success "depends on which majority shows up in 2015."

He adds, "If they're serious about moving legislation that can be signed into law, I think that bodes well for moving a highway bill, moving an [aviation] reauthorization bill and making progress on energy."

霍尔说:“我认为一个重大的要点是,能源议程可能会在新国会中获得新的生活。”这将包括推进拟议的Keystone XL管道,能源探索,天然气和管道允许。

On the other hand, if the GOP's tea party wing asserts itself and pushes partisan bills, Senate Democrats are likely to react by trying to block them. If those attempts don't succeed, Obama could veto the measures and the GOP's majorities would be unable to override the vetoes.

Looking ahead, Association of Equipment Manufacturers President Dennis Slater said in a statement, "An immediate order of business should be responsibly fixing the Highway Trust Fund by restoring the gas tax to its 1993 buying power while oil prices are at recent record lows."

He also listed several other measures, including a bill to approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. A long-pending application to build a $3.3-billion segment of that project, which would run from Alberta, Canada, to Nebraska, is awaiting action by the State Dept.

北美建筑工会主席肖恩·麦克加维(Sean McGarvey)在一份声明中说:“美国选民发送的信息很简单:他们很疲倦,厌倦了党派战争和不停的僵局。”

He added, "A good place to start would be to work with the administration on crafting an effective and robust plan to invest in the rebuilding of America's crumbling infrastructure, as well as approval of the Keystone XL pipeline and the formulation of a comprehensive national energy policy."

The big test will be a new surface-transportation bill. Lawmakers will have to act by May 31, when the current short-term highway-transit extension runs out.

Industry officials point out that one of the few measures to be enacted this year in a contentious Congress was an infrastructure bill, the $12-billion Water Resources Reform and Development Act, or WRRDA. That legislation cleared both chambers by wide, bipartisan majorities.


Top lawmakers' early post-election comments struck conciliatory notes. The next Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), speaking to supporters after he won re-election, noted that he and Obama have different views of the world.

But McConnell said, "We do have an obligation to work together on issues where we can agree." He added, "Just because we have a two-party system doesn't mean we have to be in perpetual conflict."

现任参议院多数党领袖哈里·里德(Harry Reid)(D-Nev。)发表了一份声明,祝贺麦康奈尔,并补充说:“选民的信息很明确:他们希望我们共同努力。我期待与麦康奈尔参议员合作,以完成工作。对于中产阶级。”

议长约翰·博纳(John Boehner)(R-Ohio)在屋子里说:“这不是庆祝活动的时候。”他补充说:“现在是政府开始取得成果并实施解决国家面临的挑战的解决方案,从我们仍在挣扎的经济开始。”

Early signals of each party's attitudes could emerge in the lame duck session scheduled to start on Nov. 12.

国会将必须在12月11日通过立法to fund government agencies, including construction programs, through part or all of fiscal year 2015. Other items on the agenda are possible extensions for multiemployer pension plan and terrorism risk insurance measures that lapse on Dec. 31.

Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, told reporters on Nov. 5 that voters gave lawmakers a clear mandate to focus on the "basics," including passing a budget. "Appropriations... will be front and center," he said.

Construction officials also say they will continue to push in the lame duck for an early resolution of the Highway Trust Fund problem.
