After an estimated $6 billion in spending and months of fierce campaigning, the results of the Nov. 6 federal elections have left things about where they were: President Obama is still president, the Democrats have increased their Senate majority by a couple of seats, and the Republicans’ control of the House remains nearly as strong as it was.


"It's a new ball game, but the teams are the same," says David Bauer, senior vice president of the American Road & Transportation Builders Association.

The construction industry will be watching how the teams address key legislative proposals, including infrastructure spending and regulatory and labor issues, among others.



A key question for construction is whether the election results will prompt the two sides to edge more toward such bipartisan deal-making and away from entrenched, widely differing positions.


Willingness To Negotiate
On Nov. 9, President Obama said he had invited congresional leaders from both parties to the White House next week to start to address the fiscal issues. Later that day, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the meeting would take place on Nov. 16. Earlier, congressional leaders indicated they were open to negotiating.

On Nov. 7, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said in a press conference, "We have to sit down and act on [debt reduction] now, not later.” He added, “I will do everything in my power to be as conciliatory as possible … but I want everyone to understand that you can’t push us around.”

11月7日晚些时候,众议院议长约翰·博纳(John Boehner)(R-Ohio)告诉记者,共和党人愿意与奥巴马合作解决税收和支出问题。他说,共和党可以通过“遏制特殊利益漏洞和扣除”的税收代码变更“接受一些额外的收入”。

But Boehner also said, "[Obama] must be willing to reduce spending and shore up entitlement programs.”



奥巴马在10月22日与共和党竞争对手的竞争对手米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)的辩论中,他坦率地说,封存“不会发生”,但他并没有详尽。