


Surface transportation programs are in no immediate danger of shutting down; they have funding through June 30, thanks to the latest of nine short-term authorizations enacted since September 2009. That ninth extension was enacted on March 30.

Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said after the House vote, “The fact that the House voted to take a step forward on a surface transportation bill is encouraging—as long as they follow through and immediately appoint conferees so that Congress can complete its work and get a bill to the President’s desk.”

众议院运输和基础设施委员会Chairman John Mica (R-Fla.) said, "This bill contains no tax increases, earmarks or new federal government programs, which may disappoint Democrats, but this legislation will help move the process forward in working to resolve differences with the Senate."

刚刚通信的众议院法案标志着商会共和党领导人在立法上的最新转变。2月3日,MICA委员会清除了一项为期五年,2600亿美元的高速公路运输法案,众议院议长John Boehner(R-Ohio)计划与旨在增加家庭石油和天然气钻探的规定合并。

But Boehner apparently was unable to round up enough votes to pass that package. He then split the legislation and the House on Feb. 16 did approve the energy provisions.

但没有真正的运动on the highway-transit portion. Before the Easter-Passover congressional recess, Boehner spurned Democrats’ pleas to have the House pass the Senate’s two-year bill.

取而代之的是,他提出并批准了国会批准的 - 现在有效的停止授权。