司法部说,这家德国建筑公司Bilfinger SE已同意支付3200万美元,以解决与尼日利亚天然气项目合同有关的美国联邦贿赂指控。

The agreement, which DOJ announced on Dec. 9, is the latest development in a multi-year federal probe of the $387-million Eastern Gas Gathering Project


After the three-year term of the agreement, DOJ will suspend and dismiss the Bilfinger proceedings on the condition the company carries out internal controls, continues to cooperate with federal officials and hires a corporate compliance monitor for a minimum of 18 months.

Bilfinger首​​席执行官Roland Koch在陈述, “We are pleased that we have now been able to put these events from the distant past behind us.” He added that the firm “has consistently expanded its compliance instruments and, today, has a modern and efficient system.”

Bilfinger在ENR 2013年前250名国际承包商名单上排名第16新利18备用位,他说,该调查涉及涉及其前天然气和石油服务尼日利亚子公司的项目。它补充说,该装置“此后已经结束了”。

司法部引用法院文件,说,从2003年底到2005年6月,比林格(Bilfinger)与威尔布罗斯公司(Willbros Inc.)和其他人密谋向尼日利亚政府官员支付超过600万美元的费用,以赢得该项目的合同。

According to DOJ, Bilfinger and Willbros teamed up in a joint venture to bid for the project and inflated its bid price by 3% to account for the bribes.

在联邦调查中的较早行动中,前威尔布罗斯顾问保罗·格雷森·诺瓦克(Paul Grayson Novak)在5月被判刑,并指示与他在贿赂尼日利亚官员中的角色有关。

2008年12月,前威尔布罗斯执行官肯尼思·蒂勒里(Kenneth Tillery)被控与尼日利亚项目和厄瓜多尔的另一个项目有关的贿赂相关行为。司法部说,蒂勒里是一个逃犯,并指出指控是指控。

2008年5月,Willbros Group Inc.,Willbros International Inc.和DOJ签订了一项延期决定协议,并支付了与支付给尼日利亚和厄瓜多尔政府官员支付的贿赂有关的2200万美元的刑事罚款。
