Turkey is going through an intensive infrastructure buildup, with the majority of funds going toward ports, bridges and tunnels as well as a massive artificial waterway.





土耳其在21世纪开始的一些大型项目最初是在新利18备用网址奥斯曼帝国的鼎盛时期构想的。根据土耳其当局的说法,去年10月,这项46亿美元的马尔马里铁路项目的开放是,由于广泛的考古发现可以追溯到公元前6,000年,该项目被推迟了几年。由Taisei领导的土耳其 - 日本财团建造的所谓铁路丝绸之路包括Bosphorus下的8.5英里隧道,1860年首次浮出水面,这是一个相当文学的想法:该期间的一个概述显示柱子上的隧道,“漂浮”在海中。当前的隧道被无聊到60米的最大深度。

The most ambitious project ahead is the $7-billion Canal Istanbul, a 45-kilometer-long artificial waterway and associated infrastructure linking the Black and Marmara seas, first proposed by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century. The project is currently in tenders, according to Görgün, and is projected to be in service for the Turkish Republic's 100th anniversary in 2023, although he gave no projected start date. The overall cost of the project, which includes construction of associated bridges, highways and airports, is expected to reach $30 billion to $50 billion. Environmental experts, including the chairman of the Chamber of Environmental Engineers, are highly opposed to the project for a variety of reasons, including the project's potential environmental impact.

Another $11.5 billion is going toward port projects: Tenders will be going out shortly for three port projects that are expected to triple the country's container-handling capacity, according to Görgün: Çandarli Port on the Agean Sea, Mersin Second Container Port on the Mediterranean Sea and Filyos Port on the Black Sea. The government also is planning to build a suspension bridge on the Dardanelles Strait, although no cost estimates have been made for the project.

Meanwhile, construction is well under way on two other projects connecting Europe and Asia: the $2.7-billion Third Bosphorus Bridge project and the $1.25-billion Eurasia Tunnel. At 194 feet wide and 1,050 feet high, the Bosphorus bridge will be one of the largest suspension bridges with a railway network when it opens next year.
