杰夫·麦金托什(Jeff McIntosh)/美联社的照片

Premier Alison Redford says it will take Alberta, Canada, a decade and $5 billion to recover and rebuild from a once-in-a-century flood that tore through the southern portion of the province on June 20. Damage was extensive in Calgary, where a state of emergency extended into July as floodwaters receded.


卡尔加里的首席结构工程师克雷格·麦克法兰(Craig MacFarlane)告诉ENR,“六月始终是这里山上的径流月,所以我们确实看到了水位升高,但肯定没有这样。”新利18备用“我们关闭了弓箭河上的大多数桥梁,因为水位高得足够高,以至于它们影响了上层建筑。”

The city hired locally based PCL Construction's Southern Alberta Division to coordinate the reconstruction of bridge abutments and approaches on the main downtown arteries.

“The force of the river washed out the gravel around the bridges, so there was no way to get on them," said Rob Otway, PCL district manager. "We're coordinating contractors to backfill and do some temporary paving to get the roads back in operation."

Early in the morning on June 27 in the city's center, the Bonnybrook Bridge buckled and dropped about a half meter, stranding a 102-car Canadian Pacific Railway freight train above the swollen Bow River. Canadian Pacific crews safely transferred petroleum diluent from six damaged railcars into railcars placed on an uncompromised adjacent bridge.

麦克法兰(MacFarlane)说,这座弯曲的桥是建于1800年代后期的小马 - 漫游结构,坐落在嵌入在砾石河中的码头上。“由于洪水泛滥,有五英尺的砾石被侵蚀,这导致码头在一端延伸并失去了对桥的一侧的支撑。这端落在基岩上,这就是为什么它没有完全倒塌的原因。“

卡尔加里市市长纳希德·纳西(Naheed Nenshi)批评加拿大太平洋地区免于市政桥梁检查规则,但铁路表示自洪水泛滥以来已经检查了18次桥梁。