比尔·多尔(Bill Doelle)每次阅读报纸的标题时吟着,说“考古学发现停顿建筑项目”。作为总部位于图森的沙漠考古学公司(Tucson Desert Archeology Inc.区域优化计划- 多埃尔(Doelle)和他的团队对当今的建筑工作人员的需求也与对过去的调查一样。

“The county has been developing for 25 years a pretty standardized procedure of assessing what’s in the ground and taking care of the big issues before construction gets underway,” Doelle says.

历史实际上是图森各地的脚下的脚下,因此,自1970年代以来,该县及其居民一直在保护和保存文化资源方面如此积极。迄今为止,已经发现了8,500多个考古和历史遗址,阐明了该地区不断居住12,000年的人类历史。Pima County Cultural Resources & Historic Preservation Office

但这是在优化计划的expansion of the Ina Rd. Wastewater Treatment Facility that one of the most extraordinary discoveries was made. Dubbed Las Capas, the discovery is “the earliest, most complicated and sophisticated agricultural irrigation system discovered in North America so far,” says Loy Neff, program manager for the county’s historic preservation office. The extensive fields and irrigation trenches date back to the San Pedro Period, 1250 B.C. to 750 B.C.

The system was uncovered during archeological excavation begun in 2008, and was rated one of the 10 top discoveries of 2009 worldwide byArchaeology Magazine。随着建筑的进展,工作将继续持续到2013年。

Neff says the findings are significant to archeologists and historians because the ultimate question of how prehistoric populations developed and what technologies they used to produce food–along with the resulting changes in social organization—are critically important in understanding the whole prehistory of North America.



Next, an excavation subcontractor stripped away the top layer of dirt, including up to 5 ft of fill placed during previous construction at the site.


It was during this time that the team noticed differences in the dirt coloration and pattern, indicating berms surrounding planting fields.


Desert Archeology项目总监Jim Vint说,总而言之,团队拆除了155,865立方米的污垢,并在几个地区进行了大量发掘,总计约7英亩,深度为9英尺。






“The earlier we get involved in their planning, the better we can assist them and the less chance we can cause them any delays,” Neff says. “My goal is to get in, get the info we need, do the archeology, meet the compliance requirements, and then get out, while not impacting the construction schedule. We’ve been able to do that out at Ina Road so far.”

Doelle说,考古学家完全融入了Ina Road的建筑团队,甚至从预先计划的早期开始就参加了每周会议。

Workers at the existing plant had no idea there was a virtual archeological goldmine underneath their feet. “I gave weekly tours for employees out at the plant, which opened their eyes as to what we were doing,” Vint says. “A lot of them were really surprised that they were working right on top of this 3,000 year old site. It changed their perspective on where they were working and the importance of history.”