The Chinese government is considering building a 38-GW hydroelectric project on the Brahmaputra River in the Himalayas. The dam at the Motuo bend of the river would produce 1½ times the power of China’s Three Gorges Dam, currently the world’s largest hydroelectric-generating station.

The dam is part of the Chinese government’s plan to more than double the country’s hydropower generation to 250,000 MW by 2020.

正如藏人所说的那样,Yarlung Tsangpo沿线共有28个潜在的大坝,由加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学的藏族学术学者Tashi Tsering确定,研究环境政策。他发布了他的新闻Tibetan Plateau blog迄今为止,中国报纸和水力学工程网站新利18备用网址报道的所有项目的地图。在当代国际关系研究所工作的马贾里(Ma Jiali)说,中国没有计划建造这样的大坝。

Construction is expected to involve various technologies—tunnels, pipes, reservoirs and turbines—to take advantage the 2,000-meter drop in the river bend. China plans to build another five dams farther upstream, including a 500-MW hydroplant at Zangmu, which is already under construction by the power utility Huaneng.

一旦国营电力公司Hydro China将遥远的高地电源连接到中国的其他电源,估计每年将避免使用2亿吨碳。

The mega-project could affect downstream nations India and Bangladesh. The high-altitude, mountainous terrain poses another challenge. Peter Bosshard of International Rivers told The Guardian, “A large dam on the Tibetan plateau would amount to a major, irreversible experiment with geo-engineering.”