我们在格伦伍德温泉(Glenwood Springs)进行低速和慢速巡回演出的主人是设备管理专业人员协会(AEMP)的Stan和Cindy Orr,他们的世界总部位于落基山镇中心的Grand Avenue 800街区。AEMP今年在佛罗里达州奥兰多举行的年度会议上主持了马丁夫人和我本人。是的,是的,马丁太太去了迪士尼世界 - 所有费用付出了。令人印象深刻的是他们协会的会员资格。他们与我们的赞助商进行低调和慢速巡回演出,APWA和案例建设设备保持一致。在公共工程部门管理舰队的许多专业人员都是成员和交通部门。重型设备制造商是组织的创始人。

Cindy sent word to us that we had rooms at Hanging Lake Inn. Old school: kind, clean and even retro in their use of brass keys. The small family-operated motel gets better reviews on Yelp and TripAdvisor than the some of the bigger chain hotels. Cindy even went by and said to us, "I was pleased at how nice it is! Plenty of parking near your room, great views, continental breakfast, pillow top mattress, and very clean.”

Cindy went on to say, "Enjoy the drive tomorrow. You will be seeing the most beautiful 18 miles of interstate, according to Frommers.” How right she was. Stunning was the trip down along the Colorado River. I-70, rivaling a section of highway in Hawaii called H3, is mind bending beautiful. I wrote about Glenwood Canyon in my book, “The Roads That Built America’ because I loved the story of who the job was done right - I also love tunnels.


The State of Colorado Department of Transportation proves to the driver heading east out of Glenwood Springs on I-70 how far it has come from the days of rip-and-tear and blow-and-go. Rough hewed open cuts in the beautiful canyon walls are scars on the landscape reminders of how the Big Roads use to be built. That type of destructive construction is probative in today’s road building culture. The section of I-70 immediately prior to the treasured scenic skyway though Glenwood Canyon reveals the way of days past.

当我想到我大大街桥项目am hopeful that CDOT Region 3 does the project with the expertise they showed in Glenwood Canyon. My advice to Glenwood Springs. Remain involved. See CDOT as a powerful ally that must be watched as much as they should be trusted. CDOT has become a progressive organization because of communities like Glenwood Springs, that forced CDOT to do build a beautiful roadway, perhaps the most stunning scenic way in the world, back in the 1980s. It’s my hope that Glenwood Springs and its people keep improving there new bridge right to the bitter end. Sitting in your town’s Hot Springs Pool for a medicinal dip before heading towards the Pacific Ocean I thought to myself, “There’s the Grand Avenue Bridge at the end of the 400 foot long pool. Man, I hope the new one is better looking.”