
Palmer North America LLC signed a $302.2-million contract in May 2021 with Fargo, N.D.-based Wanzek Construction Inc. to build the long rail plant expansion of its EVRAZ Rocky Mountain Steel facility in Pueblo. Wanzek says Palmer has now terminated the contract.

美国迪的起诉书中strict Court in Denver, Palmer accuses Wanzek of creating delays “immediately” after executing the contract. The owner said the contractor failed to submit a work schedule by a deadline, and the schedule it later provided had not been integrated with procurement and contained errors. After falling behind schedule, Wanzek repeatedly refused to prepare a recovery schedule, the lawsuit alleges.

However, Wanzek alleges in a counterclaim that Palmer was actually responsible for the delays, claiming the owner did not turn over the site by the date they had agreed on. When Wanzek finally got site access, it found the site preparation contractor had not completed work sufficiently. Wanzek removed more than 70,000 cu yd of earth from the site before it began construction.

Palmer also failed to meet the deadline to turn over design and engineering for the project, Wanzek contends. As of this month, the design had gone through numerous revisions and is still incomplete, according to the counterclaim.


In a response to the counterclaim, Palmer reiterates its argument that Wanzek is to blame for the delays.

The owner alleges the departure of Wanzek’s construction concrete superintendent and the firing of a project controls manager led to more delays. The suit also claims several safety incidents contributed to delays. Crews hit water lines twice, in one case shutting down work for a week and in another, forcing the steel mill to halt production for a day after a subcontractor hit a cooling line. A lawyer for Wanzek denied the allegations about the various incidents in a court filing, and the company says in a statement that it denies that it failed to meet any safety or quality standards.

该公司表示:“ Wanzek为我们在建造具有一流安全记录的世界一流设施方面所做的工作感到自豪,这证明了我们超过200万人的工作时间没有损失的时间事故。”

Palmer seeks more than $130 million in the suit, which also targets Wanzek’s parent company, the large Coral Gables, Fla.-based contractorMastecInc.旺泽说,帕尔默延迟了工作并破坏了工作,但拒绝支付增加的成本。新利18备用官网登录承包商说,它在11月向帕尔默提交了书面通知,要求其遵守合同条款,只是让所有者在下个月提起诉讼。

承包商在反诉中说,旺齐克(Wanzek)担心帕尔默(Palmer)无力为该项目付款。总部位于芝加哥的帕尔默(Palmer)是LLC,拥有唯一成员新CF&I Inc.,美国证券交易委员会记录表明,该公司是Evraz North America Ltd.的子公司。该公司是Evraz Plc的单位,Evraz Plc是伦敦证券交易所上市的一家俄罗斯公司,但在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰之后,其股票的交易被暂时停职。

英国政府冻结了Evraz资产,并对持有该公司最大股份的俄罗斯亿万富翁罗马·艾布拉莫维奇(Roman Abramovich)进行了制裁。美国已经占领了阿布拉莫维奇拥有的两架飞机,美国司法部将他描述为“寡头”,在战争开始后,他非法拥有美国制造的波音和湾流的飞机搬到了俄罗斯。EVRAZ的其他主要股东也面临西方制裁。

Attorneys representing Palmer did not respond to inquiries. In a court filing, Palmer says it “provided adequate assurances” when Wanzek questioned its ability to pay for the work, but the contractor expressed concern in court records.

EVRAZ announced last August that it waslooking for a buyerfor its North American business.