Greg Aragon / Enn的照片新利18备用
Crews building a route extending the original Expo line from Culver City to Santa Monica dealt with a tight urban environment.


The 6.7-mile, $1.5-billion project includes seven bridges and seven stations squeezed into a busy urban setting. The light-rail system will use overhead catenary wiring for power, which required major utility relocations because California law prohibits placing high-voltage systems directly above areas where the public can congregate—such as open-air station platforms.

此外,圣莫尼卡市希望该团队沿着一条狭窄的工业街对齐,以适应面向运输的开发计划。“这是非常具有挑战性的,因为现在我们需要将所有这些公用事业从街道下方搬迁,” Skanska美国加利福尼亚分部的项目主管Brian Freund说,该公司与Steve P. Rados Inc.合资。

The team's design-build contract has increased from $550 million to about $600 million due to "betterments"—requests from municipalities or agencies for changes beyond what contractors bid on at the 30% design stage, says Rick Thorpe, chief executive officer with the Exposition Construction Authority, an agency created by law and tasked with building the line that will be operated by Metro, the public transportation authority in Los Angeles. Requested changes include an aerial station rather than an at-grade station at a major intersection and a $16-million bike path.


The light-rail line follows an abandoned freight rail alignment, requiring crews to sometimes tear down or accommodate existing infrastructure with just inches of tolerance. For example, crews had to squeeze tracks under an existing box structure for the railroad that itself lies directly between the Interstate 10 freeway. "We would have had to shut down two lanes of the I-10 freeway for six to eight months if we had to reconstruct the box," says Thorpe.


Part of the alignment travels through an area chock-full of recording and post-production studios. To prevent train vibrations from hampering business, the team utilized in two areas a concrete slab that sits on springs. "We built a concrete bathtub U-section and cast individual elements that range from 30 to 60 ft long that sit on springs," says Freund.


A test train will begin running in spring, and construction wraps up by fall.