The National Operations Center of Excellence was launched in January. Dennis Motiani, executive director, and the NOCoE board of directors commemorate the occasion at the 94th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, D.C. From left: Shailen Bhatt, Jeff Lindley, Laurie Matkowski, Dennis Motiani, Doug Wiersig, John Barton, Don Hunt, Greg Johnson, Harry Voccola and Abbas Mohaddes.

A new era of transportation is right around the corner—one where driverless, autonomous vehicles cruise public roadways utilizing ever-advancing mobile and location-based electronics to read the roadways and re-route traffic to avoid accidents, congestion, construction, roadway debris, even potholes.

How will these and other technological changes affect America's roadways and highway systems? What should transportation agencies do to prepare for the vehicles of the future? And how can transportation agencies utilize the huge amounts of data being generated by smartphones and Internet-connected devices to improve safety and efficiency? These are just a few of the questions that the new National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE ) hopes to answer.

"We are at that juncture of transportation innovation where it's very exciting but also very puzzling and scary," says Dennis Motiani, NOCoE executive director, who leads the center with oversight from a board of directors composed of representatives from state, regional and local transportation agencies, private industry and the federal government.

华盛顿特区的中心于1月推出,旨在通过同行交流研讨会,网络研讨会和峰会来促进运输系统管理和运营(TSM&O)社区中的合作;持续评估该领域的最佳实践;和电话协助。Nocoe努力的核心是its website这将是州和联邦机构共享案例研究,资源,讨论论坛和活动的集中式枢纽。

So far, only a handful of states have legalized driverless vehicles and allow their makers to test them on public roads, but autonomous vehicle legislation is pending in states across the country. And with Boston-based Lux Research forecasting self-driving cars to become an $87-billion market by 2030, the pressure is on transportation agencies to ready the highways of today for the cars of tomorrow.


Several manufacturers are already moving toward hands-free driving. General Motors is expected to introduce Super Cruise in the 2017 Cadillac that takes control of highway steering, acceleration and braking at speeds of up to 70 mph.

Meanwhile, Google, Mercedes and Volkswagen are testing self-driving cars on California roadways. A fully self-driving car is expected to be a reality in the next decade or two, according to Don Hunt, the NOCoE chair and the former executive director of the Colorado Dept. of Transportation.

