总部位于加拿大的TC Energy在12月14日下旬表示,它将部分重新启动Keystone管道。12月7日的破裂后,关闭,将约14,000桶(超过588,000加仑)的原油洒到堪萨斯州华盛顿县的Mill Creek,并在警报和压力下降后喷洒在附近的地区。

The Calgary energy firm said the line, which carries about 622,000 barrels per day from Alberta to midwest and Gulf Coast U.S refiners, will open a section to a terminal in Illinois that did not leak, but a segment reaching south of the spill site remains shut.


TC Energy在一份声明中说,它已部署了约300名工人来遏制和清理现场,包括第三方承包商的名字拒绝透露。它的响应船员基于内布州钢铁城北部约20英里。


The U.S Environmental Protection Agency said the spill had not reached the Little Blue River or local drinking water wells, with “limited potential impacts to surrounding farmlands.”

TC Energy said it had “prepared for this event” and had a “secondary dam” and “additional resources’ ready.“The affected segment has been isolated and we have contained downstream migration of the release,” it said.

美国管道和危险材料安全局的官员表示正在调查事件,该官员批准了部分重新启动。但是该机构表示,截至12月14日,TC Energy尚未提交时间表或全面管道重新启动的计划或根本原因故障分析。

TC Energy said it has not determined the cause of the spill.


根据该地区,Keystone将约12%至14%的加拿大原油出口运输到美国,这是该地区仅有的四个主要出口管道之一。Financial Post. A smaller spill in 2019 caused a 12-day line shutdown and an inventory backup, media reports said.

The pipeline has been operating at a higher pressure since 2017 under a special regulatory exemption, which TC Energy said then would allow it to save 10% on steel costs in using thinner but higher-grade steel, according to thewall St. Journal, which cited a 2021 GAO report.

“Our response efforts will continue until we have fully remediated the site,” TC Energy said in a statement.