
The U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration has hit Suffolk with $292,116 in proposed penalties and NorthStar Contracting Group with nearly $400,000 for alleged safety lapses during the May 4accidentat the now closed Boston Edison plant.

In the incident, an employee of the Everett, Mass., demolition contractor lost both of his legs.


However, OSHA, in a press release, said its inspectors had determined that both contractors “failed to ensure adequate demolition and asbestos safeguards for their employees.”

OSHA地区董事詹姆斯·穆里根(James Mulligan)说,如果采用适当的程序进行了适当的程序,然后是承包商:“这一事件和随后的违法行为可能被避免。以及石棉暴露的潜在长期后果。”

The proposed OSHA penalties are just the latest major disciplinary action taken by the federal safety agency in the last year against Boston area contractors.

9月,OSHA提出了120万美元penaltyagainst a pair of contractors for alleged safety violations surrounding a fatal accident last spring during demolition work on the Government Center garage.

OSHAis also continuing to push for more than $2 million in penalties against a contractor involved in a February 2021 downtown Bostonaccident这两名工人死亡。


In the South Boston accident, OSHA issued eight citations to NorthStar, three of them categorized as “willful,” and four labeled “serious.”


The contractor also failed to “conspicuously post the safe weight load limit on the mezzanine floor where demolition and asbestos debris was being stored,” or to train employees to spot and “avoid collapse, struck-by and crushing hazards,” OSHA contends.

The company did not remove asbestos waste at the end of the shift, nor did it appoint a “designated competent person” to inspect, limit access and otherwise oversee an “asbestos containment area” at the defunct power plant, federal safety regulators say.

For its part, Suffolk faces two “willful” and three “serious” citations.

The contractor did not have a plan in place to deal with a potential collapse of the mezzanine, nor did it “conspicuously post” what the safe weight load limit was on the floor, according to OSHA.


Both contractors have 15 business days to either comply, contest the findings, or request an “informal conference” with OSHA, the agency said.

The independentOccupational Safety and Health Review Commissionhears appeals of OSHA penalties.

“We will continue to work closely with the demolition contractor NorthStar and all parties involved in this project to maintain the highest level of safety on the jobsite,” Suffolk said in a statement.