自由港液化天然气says it expects to restart part of its liquefied natural gas export plant on time later this month as Kiewit Corp. completes final repair and restoration after a June 8 explosion and fire closed the 2.38-billion cu ft-per-day facility, a major U.S. site for LNG shipments to Europe.


The three-train, 15-million-ton-per-year plant south of Galveston is the second largest in the U.S. and produces about 4% of global capacity. It began operating as an import terminal in 2008 and began exporting in 2019.

Freeport LNG发言人希瑟·布朗(Heather Browne)在一封电子邮件中说:“我们继续努力实现11月重新开始的液化设施。”“这项工作包括完成最终维修和恢复工作,并需要工作计划,并获得必要的监管批准。”

Brazoria County Fire元帅的Karl Gingrich说,检查员发现了一个被阻塞的浮雕阀,其造成了事故的事件,该事件在他的报告中指出了6月中旬的IFO检查员的讨论,在他的报告中说,在该工厂发生了事故。集团,一家由Freeport LNG雇用的公司领导调查。被阻塞的浮雕阀可能导致18英寸的“低阶”过压。他说,再循环线。

Thefire marshal’s reportE&E News通过根据《德克萨斯公共信息法》的要求。新闻网站还获得了顾问和消防元帅办公室调查员之间的记录。E&E援引一名IFO集团高管说:“管理人员没有停止操作,因为他们不想承认工厂存在问题。”他说:“这是傲慢的。”




“Expansion joints that are in place are designed to allow for movement of the pipes due to thermal expansion and based on the amount of damage the pipes appear to have been moving more than what the expansion joints are designed to allow,” the fire marshal’s report said.


Gingrich noted that the inspector and his team found relatively small damage around the pipe, which indicated a low order explosion. “No windows or doors were damaged, some light fixtures sustained minor damage,” he said. The LNG remained in the trench and the fire was contained in the area until the fuel burned away extinguishing the fire, Gingrich said.

Freeport LNG没有对该报告的报告发表评论,代表该公司的King&Spalding的律师说,该信息是私人的,直到调查完成为止。

Kiewit具有修复工厂的EPC合同,其中包括与管道机构的同意协议中包括的纠正措施。Freeport LNG表示,预计该工厂能够在本月底每天生产多达20亿立方英尺,并且在3月之前每天的全部容量为23.8亿立方英尺。

自由港液化天然气said it is coordinating closely with the pipeline safety agency, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and others, including the U.S. Coast Guard, which earlier issued an order that restricts all marine cargo operations until Freeport conducts a risk analysis on marine transfers.

The plant must receive written authorization before restarting any non-emergency operations, FERC said Oct. 26. The commission, the company and the pipeline safety agency discussed current activities at the site including damage assessment, repairs and plans for restart on Oct. 20, FERC said.

Freeport LNG还计划增加每年500万吨的火车,但5月要求FERC将完成截止日期延长至2028年8月,从当前的2026年日期来容纳供应链中断。