more than two and a half years after Bechtel National and Sempra Energy signed a fixed-price engineering, procurement and construction contract for the Port Arthur liquefied natural gas liquefaction project in Texas, the two companies now say they have “restated” the contract and updated the project price to $10.5 billion.



Sempra在10月20日宣布合同的公告中说,基于当前强大的客户兴趣,“我们知道Arthur Port LNG对全球市场具有很高的吸引力。”

联邦能源监管委员会于10月13日批准了Sempra 7月份的延期要求,以完成该工厂和相关管道的建设,并引用了与建筑延迟有关的大流行有关的市场状况和供应链问题。截止日期从2024年4月移至2028年6月。FERC最初于2019年4月批准建造该工厂。

Th global demand for LNG has rebounded in 2022 with natural gas prices in Europe up about 111% after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Phase one of the project will include two natural gas liquefaction trains expected to produce 13.5 million tons per year of LNG, storage tanks, a marine berth and loading facilities. The project’s second phase is “competitively positioned” and under development, Sempra said.

Expansion Possible

但是,大型地点沿着萨宾 - 尼加斯水道(Sabine-Neches Waterway)的三英里处的近3,000英亩土地可以扩展到八列液化列车,每年约4500万吨。


Sempra said Bechtel will continue engineering before a final investment decision to better assure project cost and schedule certainty.

路透社说,由于2019年出口码头的过度建设,全球天然气买家签署了为数十亿美元的液化天然气项目提供资金所需的新长期合同。新利18备用网址Sempra能源董事长兼首席执行官Jeffrey Martin说,现在建立新的美国出口基础设施对于为海外市场提供清洁燃料替代品至关重要。

The project could create a craft workforce that peaks at about 5,000, Sempra said.


It says the state agency agreed with Port Arthur LNG's claims that those limits would be not be financially feasible and that new technologies have not been tested in existing facilities. Agency and company officials declined comment, citing the new lawsuit.


Sempra also is developing, with partners, Phase 2 of the Cameron LNG export project in Hackberry, La. by adding a fourth train with a production capacity of 6.75 million tpy在协议中四月份到达。开发人员的合作伙伴包括全能剂,三菱和NKY集团,

授予Bechtel的两项前端工程设计合同,并授予合资JGC America和Zachry Industrial。在合同结束时,一家公司将被选为估计40亿美元项目的EPC承包商。建设定于2026年开始。

可能的开发商还同意为Cameron LNG开发一个碳捕获和存储项目,其容量在地下注入井中存储了200万吨。该项目应遵守确保许可证和确定性协议,以及每个合作伙伴的最终投资决定。

Sempra announced earlier this year a planned $36-billion capital investment program for the next five years, a record level, including both fossil fuel and renewable energy spending.