总部位于加利福尼亚州圣拉斐尔的Autodesk宣布将其云产品分为三个单独的平台(每个平台都有一个主要的业务部门),同时仍然有望在其第一个现场和个人Autodesk中所有设计和内容创建工具中的数据互操作性中的数据互操作性自2019年以来,大学贸易展览会于9月25日至27日在新奥尔良的欧内斯特N. Morial Convention Center举行。

这家软件巨头正在将其制造工具(以前是Fusion 360)上的发明家保留,但它正在创建一个名为Forma的云协作平台,用于其所有架构,工程和建筑工具和服务,包括AS Revit,AutoCAD和Autodesk建筑云。为公司的媒体,游戏和娱乐产品(例如Maya和3DS Max)开发了一个名为Flow的平台。该公司还宣布将其更名为技术开发平台的Autodesk Forge重新品尝到Autodesk Platform Services,并表示将开发一种基于Spacemaker背后的技术的概念设计工具,该工具是一种基于云的,AI-AI-DRIENDEAR,计划和开发工具于2020年获得.

"The functionality that ends up in these various industry clouds is portable to the other clouds and all of these industry clouds are floating on a layer of granular data that can be transferred from one to the other," said Andrew Anagnost, Autodesk's president and CEO. "Fusion and Forma will speak to each other natively. If an AEC company needs some of the capability that implicitly lives in Fusion, it can be imported to Forma. So, that, that notion of convergence between industrial methods and construction methods is totally intact."


Design Changes

由于Autodesk面临着60万架建筑师的压力,他们认为开发公司的设计工具,尤其是Revit,但并没有继续利用现代计算能力。两个单独的欧洲和北欧建筑师团体have sent open lettersto Anagnost saying their design process is hampered by having to use time-consuming work-arounds to accomplish what they need to do in Revit and other Autodesk design tools.



"The capability, as we're looking at this, is building out workflows." said Amy Bunszel, executive vice president of AEC design and Autodesk. "We're working with customers and we're figuring out what are the most high-value things we can do first with data. And we'll continue to kind of build from there."

Bunszel强调,工作流程可能会改变客户正在采用或吸引人作为Forma Cloud提供进化的人。对于即将推出的基于SpaceMaker技术的概念设计工具,她说,它将为可持续性带来早期的设计决策,例如建立定向和能源系统的放置,将能源系统无缝地放入Revit和其​​他设计工具中,并最终将其移交给设施管理。

Bunszel said many tools in the market now serve the conceptual needs of designers, but there really isn't one where early design data can seamlessly move to the next stage of design development. Because both the new conceptual design tool and Forma are being built around Spacemaker's technology, they can use its machine learning to generate many different design iterations based on early inputs about what clients or designers what from the performance of that building or piece of infrastructure.


始于2018年的Autodesk和Esri合作伙伴关系在会议上提高了新的知名度,并在BIM和地理信息系统(GIS)技术方面进行了多次协作。在新的Autodesk Bim Collaborate Pro和Esri的Arcgis Geobim的新软件捆绑包中也鼓励了此次合作。

“我们开始真正看到将地理空间和位置带入图片的价值。”ESRI技术总监和环境咨询技术主管Micah Callough说。“现在我们已经建立了合作伙伴关系的另一件事是我们拥有桌面云,云到云,我们开始分支到更直接的工作流程中。”

In a panel discussion about how engineering firms are using ArcGIS GeoBIM to deliver projects in the U.S., Canada and the Netherlands, Darin Welch, national geospatial and virtual engagement manager at HNTB, told audience members to think differently about project data.
