The U.S. Dept. of Transportationawarded在其七年历史的重建美国赠款计划的最新一轮基础设施中,有15亿美元用于26个货运和高速公路基础设施项目。新利18备用网址美国DOT于9月15日宣布的基础设施投资和就业法案宣布的Intra Grants的资金。DOT说,IIJA的IIJA资金从早期水平提高了50%以上。

该计划是在2015年《修复美国表面运输法》的《 2015年》中创建的。总共,IIJA在五年内为下属提供了80亿美元。


Mitch Landrieu, the White House infrastructure implementation coordinator, said in a Sept. 14 briefing for reporters, that the selected projects “are in every corner of the country."

[View U.S DOT summaries of each project这里.]

landrieu, a former mayor of New Orleans, added, "And they’re going to drive sweeping change, saving lives and spurring economic growth.”

About 43% of the new INFRA awards are going to projects in rural areas, Landrieu said. That exceeds the statutory rural set-aside of 25% of the funds.

Strong Competition for DOT's Discretionary Grants

Competition is strong for DOT's discretionary grants and the latest INFRA round is no exception. "We received over 250 applications requesting over $26.5 billion in funding," said Christopher Coes, DOT assistant secretary for transportation policy.

Besides increasing INFRA funding, the IIJA widened the types of projects eligible for the program's grants. Possible projects now include wildlife crossings for infrastructure assets and surface transportation projects that are in or connected to an international border crossing.

今年最大的单一赠款(1.5亿美元)将进入一个边境交叉项目 -加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥县的Otay Mesa East陆地港口的新收费公路和设施。

2022年回合的其他大笔赠款包括1.271亿美元给辛辛那提,以建造新的西部山丘高架桥;1.1亿美元到纽约市,在亨特角(Hunts Point)的布朗克斯(Hunts Point)农产品市场上建立了新的100万平方英尺的联运设施。



Seeking to simplify its discretionary grant programs, U.S. DOT this year initiated a “common application,” through which states, cities and other entities can apply to any or all of three types of grants, INFRA and two new programs, Rural Surface Transportation Grants and National Infrastructure Project Assistance, which DOT has dubbed the “Mega” program.
