As President Joe Biden’s administration shifts to implementing the array of carbon-cutting provisions, funding and incentives in the just passed climate change law, he also has revamped the team to lead the effort.

拜登在9月2日announced他命名了约翰·波德斯塔(John Podesta),他是最高政府的长期民主内部人士,他在气候政策方面也有经验,是监督与气候变化影响有关的《减少通货膨胀法案》中3690亿美元推出的观点。

Officials say the provisions represent the largest federal commitment ever to try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with observers foreseeing significant opportunities for engineering and construction companies in the coming years in sectors ranging from power generation to buildings to highways.

The White House also announced that National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy would step down from that post as of Sept. 16.


McCarthy's successor will be her deputy, Ali Zaidi, who has played a key role in developing the administration's climate policy initiatives. He had been New York State''s chairman of climate policy and deputy secretary for energy and environment.

“约翰·波德斯塔(John Podesta)和阿里·扎迪(Ali Zaidi)是白宫的好选择,”美国工程公司委员会倡导和外交副总裁史蒂夫·霍尔(Steve Hall)通过电子邮件告诉ENR。新利18备用“每种带来的经验都是实现新法律的总统气候战略和环境目标的目标所必需的。”

In announcing Podesta’s appointment Biden said “his deep roots in climate and clean energy policy and his experience at senior levels of government mean that we can truly hit the ground running to take advantage of the massive clean energy opportunity in front of us.”

He previously served as chief of staff for President Bill Clinton and counselor to President Barack Obama, which included coordinating the administration’s climate policy, according to the White House. He also chaired Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

Podesta leaves the Washington-based Center for American Progress, a nonprofit think tank that he founded and whose board he has chaired.

Heather Zichal,首席执行官ofthe American Clean Power Association, praised the selection of Podesta and Zaidi and noted the magnitude of the task they face.

Implementing the new legislation's climate provisions constitutes "the largest domestic investment in clean energy," Zichal said in a陈述. Its implementation is "critical to building a clean energy economy that will benefit all Americans."



新气候工作的一个可能模型是拜登(Biden)命名前新奥尔良市长米奇·兰德里乌(Mitch Landrieu),作为2021年2021美元基础设施投资和就业法案的实施协调员。

Landrieu faces pressure to get the money out rapidly and avoid misspending it. "We're going to go fast but we're not going to hurry," he has said.