在一个日益复杂的全球建筑市场中,前250名国际承包商报告称,所有者正在更加重视实现基本项目目标 - 按时按预算和有望价值延续。但是,由于Covid-19的供应连锁店仍在反弹,现在一些经济体感受到了乌克兰的战争涟漪,即使是基本工作也需要承包商的技能和策略,以保持施工成本上升和检查风险。新利18备用官网登录

总体而言,前250名承包商收入recover in 2021. The median international revenue for listed firms rose 5.89%, to $437.77 million from $413.4 million previously. Of the 236 firms that filed in both 2020 and 2021, 62.3% boosted their international revenue. That number rises to 76% when considering this year’s top 25, with the average increase for this group coming in at 7.1%.




For this reason, the $1.2-trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act has made the U.S. sector an opportunity hotspot for many Top 250 contractors.






Manuel OlivaresBlázquez

“COVID-19 and the global economic situation has directly affected business expectations [for] all projects.”
董事总经理Manuel集中政策他,FCC Construcción


With economists warning that the combined effects of COVID-19 disruptions and the war in Ukraine could push global economies into a recession, Gelder said Wood Mackenzie is watching markets for “recession risk, global economic activity as a result of rising inflation and the response of central banks.”

奥地利的俄罗斯亿万富翁奥利格·德里帕斯卡(Oleg deripaska)是主要股东Strabag SE was put on the spot当俄罗斯入侵乌克兰时。Strabag由一个集团控制,包括两个大奥地利实体,以及由Rasperia公司27.78%的股份,该公司由受批准的Deripaska控制。


首席执行官托马斯·伯特尔(Thomas Birtel)说,自入侵以来,斯特拉布(Strabag)削减了其在俄罗斯的“很小”活动,占团体销售的0.3%。他补充说,自从俄罗斯2014年占领克里米亚以来,斯特拉布就一直在削减。


Despite economic reports, the CEO believes the global contracting market will be largely protected from the effects of a recession because of the abundance of demand in the infrastructure sector. “On the contrary, probably [a recession] would be seen as a stimulus,” he says, “to further invest in infrastructure.” More than half of Strabag’s contracts are with public authorities.





FCC SA(第34号)领导该财团,交付了埃及吉萨的Abou Rawash废水处理设施的3亿美元扩建。该项目将从每天的120万立方米仪表中将工厂产能扩大到160万立方米,并增加生物处理,以便为600万人提供服务。这是FCC在埃及的第三个主要项目,其中一个新的开罗废水处理厂也是该国的第一个公私伙伴关系。合同包括三年的运营和维护期。

Market Challenges and Solutions

“Without a doubt, COVID-19 and the global economic situation has directly affected business expectations [for] all projects being developed,” says Manuel Olivares Blázquez, managing director of bidding, commercial and America at FCC Construcción. The company is anticipating major project opportunities in North America, Europe and the Middle East. Blázquez explains that secure project financing and room for FCC to add value to a project are the main components for the company to enter a market.

Understanding a country’s market at a local level “will determine the success of the company in the country and in the international market,” he says.

To connect the company to various assets around the world, FCC Construcción is developing what it calls a “BIM Digital Construction Implementation Plan” that will provide continuity to technical-economic control tools throughout a project’s life cycle.

TAV Construction, based in Istanbul, Turkey, is following a similar approach with its projects in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region located around the Persian Gulf. “Our motto is ‘connectivity is productivity,’” says company Chairman Mustafa Sani Sener. “We use state-of-the-art project management tools, building information modeling technology, online project management and collaboration software to increase the level of this coordination and integration.”



Despite the construction industry being “very traditional and resistant to change,” says Sener, “emerging technologies have promising applications in projects because they can help a lot in reducing costs and increasing safety.”

基础设施,工程和服务首席执行官Guillermo Loren说,ComsaCorporación团队的经验,专业精神和灵活性帮助了公司克服了市场挑战。该公司正在丹麦,瑞典,克罗地亚,巴西和墨西哥以及总部新利18备用网址设在西班牙的项目。

艾莉·麦卡丹(Ailie Macadam)

艾莉·麦卡丹(Ailie Macadam),,,,Mining and Metals Business President, Bechtel






Despite turmoil in Ukraine, “we are growing revenue and have a solid order backlog,” says Anders Danielsson, president and CEO of Sweden’s Skanska A.B., ranked No. 8. “We have been able to manage the supply chain disruption and cost increases.”


Skanska’s backlog over 17 months of production is particularly strong in Sweden but “somewhat lower in [other parts of] Europe,” says Danielsson. “That’s not a surprise since we have been more impacted by the war in Ukraine, especially in Central Europe. We have been very careful and selective when we bid for new projects.” In the U.S., he says the company is “quite comfortable” with 19 months of production backlog secured.




Spain’s Acciona Construccion S.A. reported a record infrastructure backlog and an overall 35.6% rise in net profit to $207 million in this year’s first six months over the same period in 2021. Also, infrastructure business sales were up 20.6%, generating an 18.8% rise in gross profits.



“There is no doubt that the market environment is complicated,” says Pietro Salini, CEO of Italy’s Webuild S.p.A. But “the overall market is strong,” he adds. So far, sales for the company this year rose 24% to $4 billion, while earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization grew by 33% to $259 million.


尽管意大利政府在7月瓦解,但“我们有信心PNRR将继续进行,” Salini补充说。“对于意大利来说,这是一个独特的机会,这是一个千载难逢的机会,没人愿意让通过。”

同时,外国合同在今年的上半年产生了超过70%的网络销售。在北美,其最大的外国市场占销售额的21%,Webuild通过总部位于美国的子公司Lane Construction Corp.运营。

Australia, a newer and growing market for Webuild, generated 14% of sales, due largely to work on the 2,000-MW pumped storage project in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales. In Europe, outside Italy, “France remains a high potential market,” despite tough local competition, says Salini.

Germany-based, Spanish-owned Hochtief A.G. this year grew its interest in Asia-Pacific and in particularly expansive Australia by acquiring roughly 20% of CIMIC Group Ltd. for $971 million. Through CIMIC, Hochtief made nearly one-third of last year’s $22-billion group sales in Asia-Pacific, second only to the 65% attributed to the Americas. Germany accounted for just 4%, while the rest of Europe contributed 2%.

CIMIC以前称为Leighton Holdings,包括包括CPB承包商和Leighton Asia在内的各种建筑公司。CIMIC在大约20个国家 /地区运营,但主要在澳大利亚,去年的收入为69亿美元。



Sembol’s Grand Mosque

Grand Mosque in Nur-Sultan


Sembol(第111号)has nearly finished construction on the Grand Mosque in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. Set to be one of the largest mosques in Central Asia, it will have an enclosed area of 68,060 sq meters and accommodate up to 30,000 worshippers. The structure will feature 73 domes, including an 83-m-high main dome.


Bechtel的全球矿业和金属业务总裁Ailie Macadam说,随着全球合同市场继续前进,公共机构的恢复和公共机构推出了更多的基础设施项目,“每个地点都带来了需要关注和认真管理的独特挑战”,Bechtel全球矿业和金属业务总裁Ailie Maca新利18备用网址dam说。该公司在今年排名第19的第19大洲工作。





埃及维护公司的战略规划和可持续性经理尼哈尔·萨拉(Nehal Salah)表示,该公司的重点是成本优化和资源分配,“保持人力资本的发展,并动态应对更新的技术和解决方案。”她补充说,每个市场都有“不同的性质”。

“Adding value to our clients and gaining their satisfaction and loyalty by doing our best to deliver on time in the safest manner with the highest quality standards, we manage to work professionally and smoothly in domestic and international markets,” Salah points out.

S. N. Subrahmanyan说,对于总部位于印度的Larsen&Toubro,“强大的项目风险管理系统”使该公司能够随着时间的流逝而做得很好。他说,该公司的数字化计划提高了其效率和生产力,并且还在制定一个多年的网络安全保证框架,该框架将统一地扩大其所有业务部门的控制。


The company also has boosted its deployment of high-tech tools such as IoT, drones, BIM, the Cloud, augmented reality, virtual reality, analytics and artificial intelligence, according to Subrahmanyan.
