加利福尼亚州州长加文·纽瑟姆(Gavin Newsom)推出了一项全新的水战略,该州要求超过80亿美元的州投资,以提高日益减少的资源。According to the document, the state faces the loss of 10% of its water supply by 2040.


“The best science tells us that we need to act now to adapt to California’s water future. Climate change means drought won’t just stick around for two years at a time like it historically has—extreme weather is a permanent fixture here in the American West and California will adapt to this new reality,” Newsom said.


该计划是在加利福尼亚州和科罗拉多河盆地供水系统的加利福尼亚州和其他六个州面临的截止日期,以提醒联邦填海局,以便他们计划如何减少使用以节省200万至400万英亩的水明年。该指令是由Burec专员Camille Touton于6月提供的,该机构准备宣布鲍威尔湖和Mead的水位24个月预测。

The California Plan


“We appreciate the administration’s support for new supplies and infrastructure,” said Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California in a statement. “We will be working hand in hand with the Governor’s office and the water agencies across the state, the southwest and Metropolitan’s service area to develop new supplies and infrastructure that will provide resilience to protect our health, economy and environment with no one left behind.”

加利福尼亚的新供水策略在很大程度上回荡了该州的两年前发布的主水计划发布。In addition to infrastructure investment, it includes measures to conserve water resources while modernizing how the state manages water through new technology. According to officials, the new plan will accelerate implementation of these initiatives to meet the state’s growing water crisis.


In 2014, California voters approved $2.7 billion in investments forwater storage projects,现在有七个项目将提供27新利18备用网址7万英亩英尺的总存储容量。四个涉及地下水存储,三个涉及创建新的或扩展的水库。明年有两新利18备用网址个项目将开始施工,但其余的仍在许可过程中。


A $5.2 billion investment in California water systems enacted in the state's 2021-2022 budget has enabled emergency drought response, improved water conservation and financed local drought resilience projects.




“As California continues to experience longer and drier periods due to climate change, local and regional water managers know that state investment in water infrastructure is critical to securing water supplies for people, the food supply, the economy and the environment,” said Cindy Tuck, the group's deputy executive director for government relations.