Democrats in the House of Representatives pushed through a sweeping climate, health care and tax package that includes billions of dollars in tax incentives and authorized funding for projects set to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the U.S. economy.

The Aug. 12 vote was strictly along partly lines, with 220 Democrats voting in favor of the bill and 207 Republicans against it.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said that the measure, the Inflation Reduction Act, is “historic, transformative and cause for celebration,” in a press briefing hours before the vote. The House action represents final congressional approval of the legislation, with the Senateclearing it8月7日。该法案现在定为乔·拜登(Joe Biden)的预期签名。

美国土木工程师学会主席丹尼斯·特鲁克斯(Dennis Truax规模,提供额外的资金来开发传输线,以连接新的可再生能源来源。”

The bill would "close about two-thirds of the remaining emissions gap between current policy and the nation’s 2030 climate target, 50% below 2005,"说详细的分析由普林斯顿大学的安德林格能源中心 +环境和达特茅斯学院的Thayer工程学院领导。






代表电力公用事业的爱迪生电气研究所(Edison Electric Institute)主席汤姆·库恩(Tom Kuhn)称清洁能源税收抵免规定为“正确的政策”,并补充说:“这项立法使美国置于全球努力驱动碳排放量的努力的最前沿,尤其是与两党基础设施​​法中包含的历史性[研究,设计,开发和演示]资金相结合时。”

美国建筑师学院指出了几个重要的规定it successfully lobbied for that deal with energy efficiency in buildings, including $330 million in grants to states and localities to adopt energy codes that at least meet the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code, or ASHRAE 90.1-2019.

AIA said the measure also authorizes $670 million for states and localities to adopt and carry out zero-energy “stretch” codes.


AIA首席执行官Lakisha Ann Woods说:“尽管气候危机仍然需要我们不懈的关注,但这项立法是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。”

虽然颁布了该法案,但除了去年的《基础设施投资和就业法》以及刚刚签署的筹码法之外,还将注入前所未有的资金水平,以脱碳项目,这只是一项漫长的开始,可以将资金纳入该项目。新利18备用网址大平原研究所可再生能源副总裁布莱恩·罗斯(Brian Ross)在接受ENR采访时说。新利18备用

“There’s a whole kind of regulatory infrastructure that has to be built up to be able to walk this funding into a realm where it is successful,” Ross said. “It’s going to take time to build the up that infrastructure, and make sure that business models within industry are in place to be able to take advantage of it.”



The bill “tackles climate change while also taking a common sense approach to our energy needs rather than setting unrealistic goals for an abrupt energy transition," said Terry O’Sullivan, general president of the Laborers' International Union of North America, in a statement. “The legislation invests in efficiency and innovation for all fuel types—from hydrogen, nuclear, renewables, fossil fuels to energy storage, and with inclusion of Davis-Bacon and apprenticeship language which is important in ensuring that the jobs created are good union jobs.”

But some construction groups—including the Associated Builders and Contractors and the Associated General Contractors of America—chafe at the pro-labor provisions.

AGC在新闻通讯中说,该措施首次设定戴维斯 - 巴肯(Davis-Bacon)盛行的工资和注册的学徒要求,作为在税法第179d节中获得清洁能源项目和节能商业建筑的税收减免的条件,其中一些新利18备用网址“有限的例外。”

ABC立法和政治事务副总裁克里斯汀·斯威根(Kristen Swearingen)在陈述, “This unprecedented expansion of prevailing wages not only puts contractors that use industry-recognized apprenticeships at a serious disadvantage when it comes to winning contracts for these critical energy projects, but it also limits the ability of many otherwise-qualified small businesses and skilled construction professionals from participating in these projects.”

The legislation also contains health care provisions to expand Medicare benefits and lower prescription drug costs.

该法案的首席参议院赞助商 - 乔尔斯领导人查尔斯·舒默(D-N.Y.)和乔·曼钦(D-W.Va。)说,该法案可以到2030年减少温室气体排放40%。

The bill includes some concessions to Manchin, who surprised much of official Washington by negotiating a deal with Schumer a little over a week before lawmakers were to begin their long August recess.

These include a commitment to enact permitting reforms for construction projects by the end of September and $4 billion for emission retrofits or CCUS installations at coal-fired power plants.