
Bertha, the 57.5-ft-dia tunnel-boring machine attempting to dig a 1.7-mile state Route 99 tunnel underneath Seattle, is stuck again, having progressed 4 ft after a delay in December. Now, Seattle Tunnel Partners (STP), a joint venture of Dragados USA and Tutor Perini Corp., have decided to build a shaft in order to reach the TBM after discovering the 35-ft-dia seals surrounding the main bearing are broken.

STP and Hitachi Zosen, the Japanese manufacturer of the $80-million, 7,000-ton, 300-ft-long machine, already have started on the plan to build a 120-ft-deep, 80-ft-wide shaft in order to reach the cutter head's face 50 ft below the surface. The plan is to access Bertha from the front, instead of through the 1,023 ft already tunneled to its back end.

"If [you enter] from the tunnel on the backside of the cutter head, access is difficult. It is a cramped environment," says Chris Dixon, STP project director. "If you go down from the surface, you have more room to work, less things to remove to get out of your way and a free-air environment, so people can work regular shifts with much more efficiency."






WSDOT的Alaskan Way替换计划管理员Todd Trepanier说,由总部位于德国的Rothe Erde制造的500万美元可以到达必要的安装。但是目前,计划是更换橡胶密封件,以确保油脂限制机器内部的摩擦和加热。迪克森说,在伯莎再次移动之前,主要轴承将得到重新认证。

Dixon says STP does not take "final acceptance" of the machine until 200 concrete liner rings are placed, so after 150 rings, Bertha is still under warranty from Hitachi Zosen. The final 10% payment to Hitachi isn't due until final acceptance.