爱德华·费纳(Edward A.Feiner是75岁。

“Ed’s intellect, his passion, his energy,” and his outsized personality made him “a force to be reckoned with,” says Leslie L. Shepherd, Feiner’s second-in-command at GSA and successor as chief architect.

“He changed the design and construction of public buildings,” adds Shepherd, who left his post in 2016 and is currently a vice president and national director of GSA programs at Leo A Daly, a multidisciplinary design firm.

In announcing his retirement from GSA in early January 2005, Feiner, then 58, said, "I felt this was a very good time to do it, because we have some very good leadership [at GSA] that believe in the importance [of] design and GSA's role as a leader in design and construction."


Crew Cut and Cowboy Boots

The New York City native, known for his unbridled enthusiasm, his crew cut and his cowboy boots, joined GSA in 1981. After leaving in early 2005, Feiner worked at architect-engineer Skidmore Owings & Merrill and the Las Vegas Sands Corp. before landingat Perkins&Will in 2009, where he became director of the firm’s design leadership council.

当Feiner从GSA退休时,小罗伯特·C·希克森(Robert C. Hixon,Jr。)在GSA工作了近35年,然后于2004年移居国会大厦办公室的建筑师,他说:“埃德(Ed)做出了出色的工作。”

Comparing the boxy buildings GSA built in the 1960s and 70s and the ones constructed after the design excellence program began, in 1994, Hixon called the difference “unbelievable.”


根据该计划,由GSA和私营部门成员组成的董事会(Architect Paceers)评估了设计公司的提交,并绘制了一个简短列表。经过大量研究,同行审查新利18备用小组对提交的内容进行了排名,GSA选择了获胜者。

Feiner personally reviewed and approved the conceptual designs of all federal courthouses developed by GSA from 1985 through 2005. He said in a 2005 interview with ENR that after putting design firms through the "torture" of GSA reviews and his own comments, "part of me wanted to be in that back room," where the private architects on the peer review panel grappled with how to react.

美国监督建筑师的立场可以追溯到19世纪初期的财政部,但在1930年代被废除。1996年,当时GSA的公共建筑服务专员罗伯特·佩克(Robert Peck)决定重新建立首席建筑师的职位,并选择了Feiner,他基本上但非正式地是该机构的首席设计官员。

"Ed's accomplishment consisted of coming from within and knowing how to institutionalize the change,” Peck said, at the time of Feiner’s retirement.

GSA's Green Buildings Standard

As chief architect, Feiner also set the course for GSA's green buildings standard and for a performance-based approach to designing federal buildings for security.

He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects. His other honors include the Augustus St. Gaudens Award in 1997 from the Cooper Union Alumni Association, the AIA Thomas Jefferson Award for public architecture, an ENR Newsmaker award in 2001 for the design excellence program and the Presidential Rank Award for Meritorious Service in 2003.

在GSA任职之前,Feiner在海军设施工程司令部工作了11年,并被Gruen Associates的工作打断了。在NAVFAC,他主要专注于计划,并成为其总体规划分支的负责人。

Feiner is a graduate of Cooper Union with a bachelor’s in architecture and the Catholic University of America, with a master’s in architecture in urban design.

At the time of Feiner’s retirement from GSA, then Public Buildings Service Commissioner F. Joseph Moravec said his "commitment to the proposition that our public buildings should reflect the best aspects of American civilization has helped to establish our agency as one of the nation's premier patrons of architecture. His work has had a profound impact on communities across the country, and his legacy will endure as long as our buildings stand."