当PC Construction的工人团队在2020年底完成了3.21亿美元的亚特兰大供水计划项目的工作时,开始了工作后,他们知道他们经历了出色的事情。Needed urgently to secure Atlanta’s then-threatened drinking water supply, the sprawling effort to transform a one-time quarry into a 2.4-billion-gallon raw water storage facility—among other tasks—would prove a singular accomplishment to some of PC’s crew and other project team members.

Calling it the “best job ever” in his career is Dan Nawrocki, senior vice president for PC, and a 40-year veteran of the water/wastewater construction business—including nearly 17 years as a senior project manager with Archer Western. “Nothing that I’ve ever worked on in 40 years comes close,” he says.

亚特兰大城,项目所有者,笨人le mantra of “time is king,” Bob Huie, PC’s project director, told ENR last year.

Working under that deadline pressure, the contractor nevertheless would “find millions in savings to make the project affordable,” Ade Abon, senior watershed director for Atlanta’s Dept. of Watershed Management, stated in a testimonial submitted to ENR Southeast. “Their greatest strength is the accuracy and dependability of their cost models,” he added, noting that the firm’s focus on collaboration and expertise with construction management at-risk project delivery is “what sets them apart from their competition.”

George Ajy, owner of Atlanta-based engineering firm River 2 Tap (R2T), the project’s lead design engineer for the non-tunnel portions, remembered the PC team’s performance similarly.

阿吉说:“我们必须克服多个重大的时间表成本和技术困难。”他称其为一支由PC及其合资伙伴H.J. Russell领导的高功能团队。工程师和承包商以强烈的协作思维方式围绕着旨在解决该项目特有的一系列挑战的众多想法。他说:“我们将能够过滤并验证好人,扔掉坏蛋并开发一些非常好的解决方案。”

自从将亚特兰大项目(有史以来最大的东南合同之一)放在后视镜中,PC Construction不得不迅速专注于繁忙且日益复杂的道路。

Charlotte Water’s Killian Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant

在北卡罗来纳州的斯坦利,承包商将领导林肯伯爵夫斯·基利安·克里克(Lincoln Countys)基利安溪(Killian Creek)废水处理厂的2,990万美元,每天170万加仑。
Photo courtesy PC Construction



例如,在佛罗里达州的斯图尔特(Stuart),PC于去年12月开始建造1670万美元的合同,以每天150万加仑的逆变(RO)处理设施作为现有水处理系统的补充。该工作部分由南佛罗里达水管理区试点计划资助,该工作将提供新的RO流程,并将该设施的整体治疗能力提高到3.0 mgd。新利18备用网址

- 亚特兰大部流域管理部的高级流域总监Ade Abon




The city of Stuart says the project, scheduled to complete in 2023, will enable it to diversify its water supply options, reduce pumping in a surficial aquifer, limit impacts to wetlands and potentially reduce saltwater intrusion concerns.


Population growth is driving other kinds of water/water treatment projects across the Southeast.

例如,在北卡罗来纳州斯坦利(Stanley) - 距快速增长的夏洛特(Charlotte)30英里 - PC目标是2022年秋季完成2,990万美元,1.7 mgd的扩张和项目所有者林肯县的翻新,这将促进其现有的Killian Creek Wardewater治疗plant’s capacity to 6.6 mgd. And in Atlanta, PC is leading a $54-million contract to decommission the Intrenchment Creek Water Reclamation Center and add primary clarifiers to the South River WRC.

reverse-osmosis treatment facility

在佛罗里达州的斯图尔特,PC Construction正在提供每天150万加仑的反向渗透治疗设施,以解决与盐水入侵和该市供水中污染物有关的影响。
由Brian Grassel摄,由PC建筑提供



For Jay Fayette, the contractor’s president and CEO, much of the company’s success comes from the commitment to collaboration that PC team members bring with them. Whether they’re leading a project via an alternative delivery method such as construction management at-risk or design-bid-build, the ability to work closely with owners to find cost savings and overcome continuing supply-chain challenges is paramount to success in today’s construction market.

费耶特(Fayette)认为,该公司无处不在地关注合作泉,这一事实是,所有大约450名员工都是PC ESOP的所有者。


The successful delivery of Atlanta’s Water Supply Program project marked a milestone accomplishment for PC Construction.
Photo courtesy PC Construction


Fayette说,自乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)杀害以来,多样性,公平和包容性的问题已成为PC的另一个主要重点。

In response, PC “immediately” established an internal board focused on DEI and instituted it as a core value affecting hiring processes and benefits. For example, now hourly and salaried workers alike receive the same company benefits. In a September 2020 company blog post, Fayette promised to lead the firm to “do better and be better” by committing to “rally our teams to take the steps necessary to ensure PC becomes a truly diverse and inclusive workplace.”

对于这些成就和倡议,ENR东南部将PC Construction视为其2022年新利18备用度承包商。