
Today, the company has not only weathered the impacts of the pandemic, it has also thrived by using the opportunity to address emerging challenges. Named ENR California Design Firm of the Year, Arcadis reported that revenue in the region climbed more than 40% to $215.4 million in 2021 from $152.5 million in 2020.

“The growth in revenue was entirely organic and related to the increased need in California around climate change and resilience,” says Kathleen Abbott, Arcadis executive vice president and global sales director.

阿卡迪斯has more than 29,000 employees in 70 countries worldwide. In California, where it employs 525 people, Arcadis is working with more than 185 clients on at least 1,000 projects, Abbott says. The U.S. division of the company is based in Highlands Ranch, Colo.

The firm also experienced a rebound in client spending last year across all sectors as projects that had been delayed were pressed forward. The company delivered more than $300 million of value in 2021.

雅培说:“可持续性正在推动我们在加利福尼亚州所做的大部分工作,从政府的可持续和老化基础设施到电力和水。”“此外,技术是项目的主要机会领域,包括数据中心,电子车辆,半导体工厂,Gigafactories和Life Sciences新利18备用网址等。”

LA Metro’s $1.8-billion Regional Connector

阿卡迪斯served as construction manager on LA Metro’s $1.8-billion Regional Connector, which will provide a seamless rail journey across LA County.

Fire Restoration

The California Dept. of Resource Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) hired Arcadis to handle two major fire-restoration projects. The projects, one in Northern California and the other across five counties in Southern California, were in response to the 2020 wildfires that struck the state, causing a state of emergency.

To help expedite recovery, Arcadis employed industry-leading and FEMA-compliant automated debris management system software, a synced geographic information system for updating real-time online dashboards and state-of-the-art GPS tracking devices to confirm compliance for haul routes.


“We are working with clients to improve resilience as it relates to protecting against flooding, recovering from wildfires and providing safe and clean water.”
- 旧金山城市执行官副总裁彼得·维斯曼(Peter Wijsman)

Calrecycle发言人克里斯·麦克斯温(Chris McSwain)表示,评估和监测顾问(例如阿卡迪斯)在清除野火留下的有毒碎屑中起着至关重要的作用。他说,该过程最大化效率,提供透明度并促进整个操作的问责制。

“[Arcadis] was responsible in deploying arborists to assess over 100,000 fire damaged trees to determine which ones were a danger to the public at large,” McSwain says. Under the direction of state staff, the firm worked with “licensed timber operators to track each removed tree from its parcel of origin to its end-use facility.”


该公司旧金山办事处副总裁兼城市执行官彼得·维尼斯曼(Peter Wijsman)说,在北加州,阿卡迪斯的工作“真正多元化”。该公司正在帮助石油和天然气客户应对遗产污染,并正在设计未来的公交中心,同时帮助技术客户提供新的工作场所和数据中心。

“We are working with clients to improve resilience as it relates to protecting against flooding, recovering from wildfires and providing safe and clean water,” Wijsman says.


该公司正在寻求与futu市场项目新利18备用网址re growth potential rather than chasing current trends. Arcadis has focused on the problems from increasing wildfires and drought. Also, demand created by the explosive growth of Silicon Valley technology companies and their need for cloud storage, computing power and employee office space is driving more work.

“The biggest market drivers are COVID-recovery stimulus bills at the state and national level that are a massive boost to infrastructure renewal and digitization of infrastructure,” Wijsman says.


“The port has worked with Arcadis on a number of occasions, and at a management level the Arcadis team is very accessible and high quality,” says Brad Benson, waterfront resilience director for the port.

One recent project Arcadis has undertaken for the port involved a sea-level study.

“Arcadis brought in experts from the Netherlands who really helped us imagine the landscape scale of changes that would be needed to address higher water levels,” Benson says.

On the recently completed Connected Corridor Proof of Concept project for San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), Arcadis, serving as main contractor, helped evaluate the use of transit platform and traffic signal sensors to inform signal timing adjustments and collect information to support safety improvements.

“They were great at communication and brought in experts from different fields,” says Robert Lim, SFMTA project manager. “We had calls with them every day, and they always checked in with us with their updates, and they went the extra mile to make sure we were happy with the product.”

Arcadis洛杉矶副总裁兼城市执行官Macaria Flores说,对于南加州阿卡迪斯来说,这是一个“激动人心的时刻”,因为该地区的大流行后恢复继续前进。

fire restoration projects

The California Dept. of Resource Recycling and Recovery recently hired Arcadis on two major fire restoration projects.

“[Southern California] is getting ready for the world stage, and our clients are working toward being showcased in a sustainable and resilient manner,” says Flores. “In a little more than five years, the 2026 World Cup, the 2028 Summer Olympics and Paralympics and other major mega-events will be here.”

Flores says with current voter initiatives, the region is expected to receive considerable local investment for many water and transportation projects. Much of the local money will help leverage the federal infrastructure money Los Angeles is poised to receive.

至于市场最强,弗洛雷斯说“feels like every sector is thriving. Our airports are undertaking various stages of modernization. Our transportation systems are adding new rail lines in all directions, and our water departments are supporting innovative projects that aim to improve the overall supply, resiliency and reliability for Los Angeles.”

阿卡迪斯(Arcadis)最近在该地区的新利18备用网址主要项目包括LA Metro的1.8亿美元区域连接器,该连接器将在洛杉矶县提供无缝的铁路旅程,为此,Arcadis担任建筑经理;CA High Speed Rail的包装2/3,这是一项耗资200亿美元的计划,为Arcadis提供PM/CM支持;并与南加州爱迪生(Edison)合作进行研究,重新设计和重建超过650英里的传输和分配线,以最大化长期可靠性。

Another project is the $120-million Los Angeles Ultraviolet Disinfection Plant for the Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power (LADWP), where Arcadis assisted with design.

LADWP的Ultraviolet消毒厂项目经理Darline Truong说:“达到水质标准始终是重中之重,这使与Arcadis的合作变得容易,因为我们始终在同一页面上。”“阿卡迪斯(Arcadis)与国家监管机构也有良好的工作关系,事实证明这非常有帮助。我们在拉鲁夫(Laruv)遇到了流量计的问题,不久之后,我们与饮用水划分的三通电话。”

阿卡迪斯also helped the project move forward during the peak of COVID, when a project vendor was restricted by a travel advisory and could not make it to the jobsite to program updates for critical treatment equipment.

“Arcadis stepped in and assisted the vendor with a remote update on a few occasions, and the project was able to proceed with testing and starting up without delays,” Truong says.