
In the most dramatic example, the cost to代替州运输官员说,跨越鳕鱼角运河的1930年代时代的桥梁几乎翻了一番,可能会增加到近40亿美元。

But the bridges are just one of a number of projects dealing with eye-popping increases in their estimated cost, including a major reworking of the Massachusetts Turnpike in Boston’s Allston neighborhood, a number of new high school projects and a planned soccer stadium in Pawtucket, R.I.

波士顿商业建筑咨询公司总裁兼首席执行官詹姆斯·柯比(James Kir新利18备用官网登录by)表示,随着建筑成本的发布,波士顿地区的建设成本(已经准备就绪,就已经在波士顿地区发布了相当大的单位数字增加了。


替换鳕鱼角运河上伯恩和萨加莫尔桥梁的计划的估计成本最大,2019年的预测将这两个跨度的价格定为14亿美元,达到14亿美元,达到16.5亿美元。新利18备用官网登录The state and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers applied for $1 billion in federal funding for the project通过这项耗资12万美元的基础设施投资和就业法, according to astoryin the Cape Cod Times.

The costs reflect the surge in construction inflation, State Transportation Secretary Jamey Tesler told State House News Service, noting his agency is “seeing inflation on a lot of our work and a lot of our bids” leading to a “significant increase in what we collectively thought the cost estimates would be for this project.”

State transportation officials have also upped their estimate on what it will cost to revamp the Allston portion of the Massachusetts Turnpike, boosting the projected amount to $2 billion, a $300-million increase.

After lengthy discussions and debate over various alternatives, state officials chose an高级选项last fall that involves taking down the aging Turnpike viaduct in the Allston neighborhood of Boston and constructing eight Turnpike lanes, four tail tracks, four lanes of Soldiers Field Road and a pedestrian boardwalk over the Charles River, all at the same level.

The $300-million jump represents a 17.6% increase from the estimate unveiled last fall.

Local school officials across Massachusetts have also been forced to up their cost estimates on new projects, with the price tag to build new high schools in Lowell and Worcester having leaped during the past few months.


Officials in Lowell are dealing with a $38.5-million jump in the estimated cost of building a new high school in that city.

还陷入了建筑价格上涨的旋风中,这是一个2亿美元的足球场的计划公私伙伴关系in Pawtucket, R.I.

Fortuitous Partners, the developer of the project, has halted plans to start work and is now asking for a $30-million increase in state assistance for the project, The Providence Journalreports。这座耗资1.24亿美元的体育场是一个更大的开发项目的一部分,称为Tidewater Landing,如果建造将是Pawtucket历史上最大的经济发展项目。

Overall, cost estimates on publicly funded projects are more difficult for a number of reasons, including not as many comparable projects to compare costs with, at least compared to the cost of putting up a new office building in New York, Kirby said.


大型项目尤其如此,例如Allston中收费公路的改革并取代Cape Cod桥新利18备用网址。


Richard Dimino, president and CEO of A Better City, said one factor in the rising price-tag for the now $2-billion revamp of the阿尔斯顿收费公路是,州官员开始更深入地研究计划。

他说:“您必须给予国家信贷 - 他们在项目的设计中详细介绍了。”

But construction inflation has not helped either.

“While the general inflation rate has been going up, the construction and transportation index inflation rates tend to go up faster and higher,” Dimino said. “That is a challenge for construction.”