世界上最长的铁路隧道的意大利末端有光明。最近,一个挖掘机闯入了一堵墙壁,该墙壁分隔了96亿美元的布伦纳基座隧道(Brenner Base Tunnel)的两个部分,从Fortezza的South Portal到Brenner的奥地利边境,连续24.1公里连续24.1公里。



An excavator broke through the final portion of wall separating the two sections.
Photo courtesy Webuild

奥地利和意大利共同拥有的项目公司BBT SE表示,从Mules Access隧道向南挖出5公里的两根管子花了大约3.5年。同时,另一支球队从南门户挖出了最后500 m,到5月19日,双胞胎孔突破。

根据Webuild S.P.A,Strabag A.G.,Strabag S.P.A.,Consorzio Integra和Collini Lavori S.P.A.的Webuild S.P.A,Strabag A.G.,Strabag A.G.和Collini Lavori S.P.A.

The longer twin drives on Mules contract to the border are due to break through around the end of this year, according to a BBT spokeswoman. The "Mules 2-3" contract covers the whole program’s most tunneling, totaling around 65 km, according to BBT. That includes 39.8 km of main drives and 14.8 km of exploratory tunnel.


Excavation took about 3.5 years on the Brenner Base Tunnel section where the breakthrough occurred.
Photo courtesy Webuild

BBT于2016年9月授予了包括Astaldi S.P.A.在内的财团为期7年,11亿美元的合同,此后已被Webuild收购。其他联盟成员最初包括Ghella S.P.A.,Oberosler Cav Pietro S.R.L.,Cogeis S.P.A.和Pac S.P.A.



Once completed in 2032, the tunnel will run for 64 km between Innsbruck, Austria and Fortezza, Italy.
Photo courtesy Webuild

Austrian progress hit a major snag in late 2020 when BBT cancelled the contract covering about 25 km of tunnels on the Pfon-Brenner section in a dispute over the tunnel’s segment system.

最初的74个月合同于2019年4月签署时价值10亿美元,签订了Porr Bau Gmbh,G。Hinteregger&SöhneBaugesellschaftM.B.H.的一个财团

The owner called for new bids this January, aiming to award a 69-month contract by this year's end. Running for 64 km between Innsbruck, Austria and Fortezza, Italy, twin 8.1-m-dia tunnels, set 40-70 m apart, will form the world’s longest underground railroad that is set to open in 2032, according to BBT.