“If you build it, they will come” isn’t just a version of a famous film line. For ENR Top 400 listed contractors navigating markets bogged down by supply shortages and delays, it’s strategy. Whether “they” refers to more craft workers, better material lead times or decreased cost risk depends on a firm’s most pressing problems, but contractors overwhelmingly agree that relationship building is a way forward despite the industry’s steadily strained supply chain.

As firms enter a busy construction year, abuzz with preconstruction planning and anticipation for projects funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Top 400 contractors report that their biggest challenges stem from trying to control what seemingly is uncontrollable.

Pricing volatility, tariffs on building materials, such as lumber and steel, and supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19 shutdowns and the war in Ukraine all fall under that category. The wide-reaching effects of these challenges are boosting demand in some markets while reducing it in others.


“Coming out of the pandemic, we thought there would be some normalcy,” says Abrar Sheriff, president and CEO of Turner Construction Co.’s international arm, Turner International. But as international issues continue to impact domestic supply chains, “It’s almost like déjà vu dealing with this,” he adds.

Through its supply chain management service SourceBlue, Turner Construction has been able to use its international relationships in China and Europe to improve project predictability domestically and get materials to jobsites in a timely manner, says Sheriff. The company is ranked No. 1 on the Top 400 list for the second consecutive year.

“我们正在利用我们的长期关系h our manufacturers and suppliers,” says Sheriff. “We feel if we can do that, we can commit to predictability on schedule and cost for our clients and not leave it open-ended.”

With industry’s current challenges of rising costs and shortages, a larger question looms from owners, says Mario Azar, incoming chair and CEO of Black & Veatch. “Are there creative and collaborative solutions that will enable projects to go forward?” he asks. In the last year, Azar says the company has seen examples where, by the completion of final negotiations, projects no longer made financial sense to move forward, for one or both parties.


“ [所有者]知道挑战,因此他们一直在他们的项目早期参与我们的项目,要求我们担任咨询角色。”新利18备用网址
迈克·汤普森, VP, Robins & Morton


For this reason, he says, working with clients to balance risk, increase flexibility and create a collaborative environment continues to be a major industry challenge.

罗宾斯(Robins&)的运营计划和支持副总裁迈克·汤普森(Mike Thompson)解释说,诸如通货膨胀,住宅建筑繁荣,自然灾害和国际冲突等市场的影响也可能是特定部门的。莫顿。


“They often involve intently studying the project, understanding the client’s operational goals and tapping our extensive network of trade contractors and vendors for the most accurate up-to-date lead times,” he adds.

Peinado Construction总裁罗伯特·谢尔顿(Robert Shelton)表示,“在这项业务中的关系比以往任何时候都更重要”,以帮助承包商了解不断变化的市场并最大程度地减少对成本上升的影响。新利18备用官网登录
