
RK Industries的首席运营官乔恩·金宁(Jon Kinning)说:“我们认为这是一个安全问题,我们已经完全改变了文化。”除了预防培训和工具箱的谈判外,RK还实施了一项休假政策,其中包括心理健康,并将其员工援助计划与心理健康提供者保持一致,以便所有人都在网络中。他说,结果避免了20种自杀。

YEH and Associates的人力资源主管梅兰妮·伦纳德(Melanie Leonard)说:“灯泡下了关于一位小组成员实际上是如何将心理卫生资源投入其入职计划的信息,以及对他们组织的保留非常重要。透明

“We are in a historic movement” of “getting together and getting organized,” said conference co-organizer Sally Spencer-Thomas, who also provided in-depth daylong “train-the-trainer” sessions to 33 participants. These trainers will return to their companies and hold training sessions with safety staff and other field personnel who will then disseminate suicide prevention support to their jobsites.

Trainee Dan Lester, director of field diversity, inclusion and culture at Clayco, aims to instruct psychological safety ambassadors who will create “a community inside our organization” that can provide interim care similar to CPR until the at-risk person can meet with a certified health provider.