在阵亡将士纪念日周末的前夕(夏季驾驶季节的传统开始)surveyof contractors shows that accidents in highway construction work zones remain a major problem, with some indicators worsening in the past year.

Ken Simonson, AGC of America’s chief economist, said in a press briefing via Zoom that the changes in the latest of the group's annual survey from its 2020 report were not dramatic. But Simonson added, “unfortunately, they’re in the wrong direction.”

Among the survey’s results, released on May 25, 64% of the AGC member firms that responded reported that a motor vehicle had crashed into their highway construction zones in the past 12 years.



Among other indicators, 18% of those responding reported at least one construction worker injured in a work-zone accident. That percentage was about the same as in last year’s survey.

And 41% of the companies said that one or more motor-vehicle drivers or passengers was injured in work-zone crashes, compared with 35% in 2021.

In addition, 7% of those responding said work-zone crashes resulted in a construction worker fatality, up from 4% in 2021, and 15% said there were driver or passenger fatalities, up from 12% last year.

Moreover, 97% of respondents said highway work zones posed an equal or greater risk in 2021 compared with a year earlier.

Vehicle Speed and Mobile Phones


另一个关键指标显示了类似的趋势。国家公路交通安全管理局的早期估计, released May 17, projected that overall U.S. traffic fatalities rose 10.5% in 2021, to 42,915—the highest level since 2005.


Skip Poe, a principal with Smith Seckman Reid Inc., in Birmingham, Ala., said in the briefing that there is another factor. "In the past you were just driving fast. Now you’re driving fast, and you’re not paying attention.”


Simonson said the amount of highway and bridge construction work is likely to increase, because of the spending boosts provided in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which was signed into law last Nov. 15.


Asked what steps would help reduce the number of work-zone crashes, injuries and fatalities, 81% cited a “greater police presence” in construction work zones and 67% said stricter enforcement of existing laws.

Steve McGough, HCSS president and chief executive officer, advocated an increased police presence and said there should be two police officers at highway work zones. McGough said that a single police car, even with blue lights flashing, does not tend to slow drivers down.


McGough also favors using speed cameras that automatically trigger violation notices.

南卡罗来纳州自由主义者的国王沥青副总裁马蒂·麦基(Marty McKee)表示,他的公司经常在其工作地点有警察的存在。

McKee recalled one night when a police officer at a construction zone was actively enforcing the speed limit. “He started pulling some people over," McKee said, "and our people were literally cheering…because, you know, it got everybody’s attention.”