


休斯顿地区办事处总裁兼总经理莱斯利·杜克(Leslie Duke)表示,2020年的石油和天然气衰退一直持续到2021年,导致该公司在德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州的石油项目的同比设计收入下降了56%。新利18备用网址她解释说:“在2020年,某些石油和天然气客户将我们的项目搁置或完全取消了它们,鉴于当时的市新利18备用网址场状况不佳。”

Similarly, HDR, which was ranked No. 7, posted a drop in regional revenue of 5.7% in 2021 to $216.31 million. “A large transportation client in the market slowed projects in 2021 due to rates of spending potentially exceeding budget limitations,” says Kelly Kaatz, HDR’s south central regional operations director, based in the Austin office. “This affected our overall revenue in the short term. However, those projects were restarted in late 2021 and continue into 2022.”


奥斯丁的项目连接系统计划包括两条轻轨线,一个零排放机队和一个扩展的公交系统。HDR正在与Austin Transit Partnership合作。

Gensler, ranked No. 18, experienced a 9.7% drop to $135.4 million in 2021. “Like many companies across the country and the world, Gensler was impacted by the pandemic,” says Judy Pesek, regional managing principal for the company. “However, we have successfully rebounded, and our project work is back to pre-pandemic levels, especially as the cities and communities where our Texas offices are located continue to experience record level growth and development.”

North Little Rock, Ark.-based Garver, which was ranked No. 14, raised its regional revenue 6.6% in 2021 to reach $161.1 million. “I think the biggest measure of Garver’s success was our ability to achieve significant organic growth in 2021—a trend that is still going strong in 2022,” says Frank McIllwain, senior vice president and director of aviation. “Our culture has allowed us to successfully retain and recruit employees in a competitive job market.”



室内和室外空间are blended into a cohesive experience at the University of Texas Moody Center Basketball and Events Arena in Austin.
Image courtesy of Gensler/Ryan Conway



In November 2021, the company completed the 65-MWdc/50-MWac solar project at Vistra’s Brightside Solar Facility in Live Oak County, Texas. The competitively bid fast-paced project had more than 250 craft construction professionals on site at peak; it was delivered with zero safety recordables and no lost-time incidents, she says.

Currently, Burns & McDonnell is designing and building a $40-million lunar production and operations center at the Houston Spaceport for Intuitive Machines, which plans to be the first private company to travel to the moon. Scheduled for completion in 2023, the center will occupy 12.5 acres with more than 105,000 sq ft of office and advanced production space.

- 判决PESEK,区域执行校长,Gensler




Among the company’s recent and current infrastructure projects is the DFW International Airport Runway 17L-35R Rehabilitation completed in April at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, a $1.2-million project that included comprehensive pavement rehabilitation and repairs to the existing stormwater infrastructure within the runway environment. Another is the $725-million 30 Crossing for the Arkansas Dept. of Transportation to establish a preferred schematic for alternative project delivery procurement documents and to develop the technical provisions and requirements for the company’s first design-build project, scheduled for completion in July 2025. Garver is also providing engineering inspection services that will replace the Arkansas River Bridge and provide safer and more efficient travel through the state’s largest metro area.




Vistra的Brightsides太阳能设施in Live Oak County, Texas, utilizes 440-watt First Solar thin-film modules in conjunction with a single-axis tracking system.
Bryan Fairbanks的摄影作品burns&McDonnell



Burns&McDonnell’s Duke is concerned with price escalation and supply chain disruptions, including increased lead times and freight costs as well as the unpredictability of securing imported equipment and materials. “A big challenge for us this year will be mitigating those risks and supply chain constraints,” she says.



- 加弗(Garver)高级副总裁兼总监Frank McIllwain



卡茨说,随着美国决心重新获得芯片制造优势,高科技/半导体行业市场已大大增加。此外,诸如最近在得克萨斯州泰勒(Tay新利18备用网址lor)的三星的170亿美元制造设施等大型项目计划于2024年完成,还导致了水和废水,电力和运输网络的大量基础设施投资。得克萨斯州运输部的49亿美元I-35 Capital Express中央项目包括在得克萨斯州中部通过奥斯汀市中心扩展I-35,正处于计划阶段。
