
部门官员发布了notice of intentMay 19 voicing their plans to make the funding from the new federal spending law available over five years to create four regional Direct Air Capture hubs, each made up of a network of projects.




The projects would support the Biden administration goals of cutting greenhouse gasses by 50% compared to 2005 levels by 2030 and achieving a net-zero emissions economy by 2050 while also incorporating environmental justice, equity and workforce development, DOE says.

“President Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure law is funding new technologies that will not only make our carbon-free future a reality but will help position the U.S. as a net-zero leader while creating good-paying jobs for a transitioning clean energy workforce,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.


However, there are questions about the developing direct-air-capture (DAC) sector’s actual environmental impact.

环境al advocacy group Food & Water Watch says removing carbon from the atmosphere at a large scale using the DAC approach would take a tremendous amount of electricity, also pointing to research that indicates U.S. carbon-capture efforts have actually put more CO2 into the atmosphere than they have removed. The group was one of more than 100 that signed a给议员的信2月,要求他们不要将基础设施法律资金投入碳捕获技术,或者他们说的其他开发项目将被化石燃料公司“选择”。


In her statement, Granholm pointed to a recentU.N. climate reportwhich included carbon capture as an “essential” part of efforts to limit climate change.

截至11月,全世界有19个直接空气捕获工厂。国际能源机构。该机构称,与其他CO2捕获策略相比,它们的规模较小,需要更多的能量,因为需要压缩机将气体注入地质地质形成以进行存储。到目前为新利18备用官网登录止,大规模运营的成本尚不确定 - 世界上第一个能够捕获每年100万吨二氧化碳的工厂目前正在二叠纪盆地的碳工程公司开发。

Carbon Engineering says its process can use a combination of renewable electricity and natural gas, and any CO2 from combustion of natural gas is captured along with carbon dioxide from the air.


The agency also is planning to releasemore detailed guidelines this summerfor applicants to receive funds as part of an $8-billion infrastructure spending law program to develop hydrogen hubs as a cleaner burning fuel, some of which may share facilities with carbon management hubs.