
In the biggest show of defiance, 15,000 union carpenters across Ontario who work on commercial, industrial and institutional projects walked off the job on May 9, joining roughly 10,000 other union members from other trades who had gone on strike during the first two weeks of May.

Carpenters区议会的公共事务与创新总监Mike Yorke说,通货膨胀和整个多伦多地区和全省的整体生活成本是罢工的因素,这是自1980年代后期以来最大的劳动动乱浪潮。安大略省。


Contractors had agreed to boost pay by 9.5% for workers in the Toronto area, and 9% for workers in the rest of Ontario.

But in the middle of the talks, Statistics Canada, a federal agency, released its monthly inflation numbers, reporting a 6.7% increase in inflation in March, an increase from 5.7% the month before.

Given the rise in costs, workers voted against ratifying the agreements, arguing the increase would be mostly gone after the first year of the contract given the rising inflation rate, according to Yorke.

It’s not just the cost of food and fuel, but housing and other necessities that are weighing on construction workers in Toronto and across the province, Yorke said.

约克说:“我认为我们所处的时代的情况 - 我们正处于负担能力的危机中。”“目前,生活成本是通过屋顶的 - 它的住房,租赁住房,杂货的成本将食物放在桌子上。”

The carpenters, in turn, are just the latest group to go out on ne strike, with a number of other trades having walked out over the first two weeks of May, he said.

其中包括运营工程师,Local 793,包括一系列工人,从起重机和地球设备的运营商到测量师以及北美工党国际工会成员,包括房屋制造商,泰勒斯,地毯和硬木安装人员。

“Construction workers across the whole industry are speaking loud and clear we need a solution to the crisis of affordability,” he said.

如何ever, Andrew Pariser, vice president at the Residential Construction Council of Ontario, said the strike will lead to delays and then cost overruns at potentially hundreds of job sites and projects across the province.

Ontario, and Toronto in particular, are in the midst of a building boom, with more than 200 tower cranes at work across the city and numerous rail, roadway and other infrastructure projects underway as well. “As soon as our schedule gets out of whack, costs start to go up,” Pariser said.



The carpenters’ union is ready to begin talks, but has been told contractors are not ready to discuss anything yet and are still gathering their numbers, Yorke said.

“We want to get back to the bargaining table and get people back to work,” he said.