
The total may have been boosted by the widened scope of the lawsuits that were amended after the initial lawsuits were filed to include the developers and construction team for a neighboring apartment building where work allegedly damaged the 40-year-old residential condominium in Surfside, Fla.

迈阿密戴德县州法院法院法官迈克尔·汉兹曼(Michael Hanzman)一直在敦促所有当事方在2021年6月24日的12层建筑部分崩溃的一周年之前达成协议,该建筑于7月4日全部爆炸。与某些被告,单位所有者,幸存者和98人死亡的家庭的定居点仅占数千万。与完整的人类和经济损失相比,这些数量被认为很小。

The details of the new tentative settlement that was announced by an attorney in court in Miami on the afternoon of May 12 are not complete or officially disclosed.


For example, the Insurer reports that various insurance companies are on the line for a $500-million claimsettlement与Securitas相关,这是一家参与Champlain Towers South火灾警报和安全系统的公司。

根据《迈阿密先驱报》发表的帐户outlinesof the rest of the settlement include payments from the Champlain Towers South Condominium Association of about $100 million. And another $400 million contribution to the settlement, according to the Miami Herald, is supposed to come from the developer, contractor, engineer and subcontractors for Eighty Seven Park, which was constructed on an adjacent property and completed in 2019.


佛罗里达州的约翰·莫里亚蒂(John Moriarty&Associates of Florida)的八十七个公园的主要承包商在2月份对诉讼的回应中否认了振动损失的要求。无法立即与承包商及其律师发表评论。建筑物开发商的律师也不能。


A最终的comprehensive investigative report on the partial collapse of the tower has not yet been issued by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce's National Institute of Standards & Technology.