The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) has awarded a Kiewit-led joint venture a $235 million progressive-design build contract for a key portion of the program that will link the agency’s rail system to Bay Area Rapid Transit’s (BART) via a tunnel under downtown San Jose.

Kiewit Shea Traylor(KST)合资企业由Kiewit基础设施西部,JF Shea Construction和Traylor Brothers组成,由Kiewit Engineering Group和Arup支持。


“Executing its first ever progressive-design build Tunnel and Trackwork contract with the joint venture of Kiewit Shea Traylor is a major milestone,” says Carolyn Gonot, VTA General Manager and CEO. “VTA looks forward to engaging with the contractors, BART, and our stakeholders to design and construct an innovative engineering solution that will benefit our Santa Clara County travelers.”

VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project (BSVII Project) is a six-mile, four station extension that will bring BART service from Berryessa/North San José through downtown San Jose to the City of Santa Clara. Five miles of the six-mile alignment will be constructed in a large-diameter, single-bore tunnel, with the remaining one mile consisting of at-grade rail.

The project includes three underground stations: 28th Street/Little Portugal, Downtown San Jose, and Diridon. It also calls for one ground-level station at Santa Clara, a train maintenance and storage facility at Newhall Yard, as well as construction of additional facilities.


KST执行合伙人马特·斯科特(Matt Scott)表示,该项目的渐进设计建造方法将鼓励合资企业在设计和建设方面更具创新性,而不会牺牲质量,价格或时间表。

“We have a long history working on similar rail projects in California and across the U.S., and look forward to using our expertise and resources to support our client’s commitment to this important project in the Bay Area,” he says.

HNTB和WSP的合资企业正在为该项目提供计划管理服务,Mott MacDonald/PGH Wong Engineering Inc.合资企业正在提供通用工程服务。


The project is part of a wider effort to link the BART system to the VTA’s system to finally "ring the bay" with frequent passenger rail service. The disconnect dates back to the 1960s when BART was formed and Santa Clara County opted out of the system. With the increase in traffic congestion throughout the region in the early 2000s, the initiative to link the BART and VTA’s systems was revived.

BART Silicon Valley Extension Program is being built in two phases. Phase I, the Berryessa Extension, was a 10-mile, two-station project that opened for service in June 2020.


The other three packages are design-build contracts for systems, stations and Newhall Yard and Santa Clara station. The agency is planning to award the other three contract packages beginning next year.


These projects must utilize public-private partnerships, be operated and maintained by employees of an existing public transportation provider and have a federal share not exceeding 25% of the project cost.

An analysis of the project去年由联邦运输管理局通过《湾区新闻集团》通过《加利福尼亚公共记录法》的要求获得了。它估计项目总成本为91亿美元,该项目要等到2034年才能完成。新利18备用官网登录


“FTA, in collaboration with VTA, has conducted a rigorous risk assessment that identifies uncertainties and provides a framework for VTA’s project team to tackle and mitigate the risks,” Gonot said in a statement at the time.