European investment in wind power fell 11% last year to $43.6 billion compared to 2020, but because most of that was for relatively low cost onshore, the 24.6 GW total financed was a record for a single year, says a new report by the Brussels-based trade group WindEurope.



资产负债表外,无追索权融资56% of the offshore wind investment and 26% of the total for onshore. For projects using project finance, offshore investments included, on average. 22% equity, double than that for onshore, WindEurope says.

Meanwhile, at the group's annual meeting last month in Bilbao, Spain, 25 officials representing six countries—Spain, Germany, UK, Belgium, Luxembourg and Estonia—as well as transmission system operators, non-governmental organizations and developers agreed to jointly fast-forward deployment of offshore wind in European waters.

该协议的目的是建立一个监管框架,该框架确保可预测的长期海上风能市场环境和可持续的商业模式has sought recently from the European Union.This includes coordinated design of tenders, identifying best practices in national support schemes and developing market parameters for shared offshore "hybrid" systems that distribute costs and benefits between countries, grid operators and project developers.

除了到2030年现有的60吉瓦目标范围内的60 GW目标外,欧盟现在还要求在未来十年内再增加30吉瓦,以帮助取代大量俄罗斯化石燃料进口。

“Europe urgently needs visibility on offshore wind volumes, a coordinated approach to grid planning and the right regulatory framework for new business models such as offshore hybrids,” said WindEurope CEO Gilles Dickson. "Every time we build offshore wind in Europe, it generates economic drive."