
Two workers were immediately rushed to the hospital, while Boston EMS crews had to work to “extricate” a third from catwalk collapse at the old power plant, located at 776 Summer St. in the city’s South Boston neighborhood, the agency posted on its Twitter feed at 3:31 p.m. That worker was also sent to the hospital as well.

Demolition work on the old power station, which dates to 1898, began in December, with Hilco Redevelopment Partners having rolled out plans to redevelop the 15-acre site, part of which touches the city’s waterfront, into a 17.7 mixed use complex.



事故发生在部分之后一个多月collapse波士顿市中心的政府中心停车场派遣了51岁的经营工程师彼得·蒙西尼(Peter Monsini),萨尔顿(South Easton)陷入了九个故事。蒙西尼(Monsini)正在努力拆除1960年代野蛮风格的车库,开发商HYM Investment Group在过去的几年中一直在零散地拆开,以便为新塔楼腾出空间。


In addition, over the the past 14 months, another five construction workers have been killed in Boston and surrounding communities in accidents on a range of construction sites in Boston, Cambridge, and Newton.

死亡人数包括一家Ironworks公司的员工killed崩溃的楼梯井东剑桥不相上下king garage, and two大西洋海岸公用事业在波士顿金融区的一家工作地点被撞到九英尺深的沟渠后死亡的员工。

“现场和周边地区的工人的安全是我们的重中之重,” Hilco重建合作伙伴(HRP)的发言人在5月4日事故发生的南波士顿电厂现场的所有者中说。”我们感谢波士顿紧急服务的迅速回应。”