
斯坦伯格·哈特(Steinberg Hart)总裁兼首席执行官戴维·哈特(David Hart)表示,该公司对DEI的关注是其最大的成功。

“I think it’s the path to even greater successes for our firm in the future,” says Hart. “We’re having real conversations with our clients and actively pursuing ways to improve processes and outcomes on our projects. It’s a long-term plan.


WSP USA认识到基础设施支出如何改变社区并将其他人抛在落后,因此最近成立了卓越的卓越中心,以“推动基础设施转变为服务不足,服务不足,边缘化和贬低的社区,”首席执行官Lou Cornell说。

Equity has become a measure of progress tied to many infrastructure developments as a vital lifeline for communities, he notes.

Lou Cornell

“We understand that our work has lasting impacts on people's lives, so the center ensures every WSP project integrates equity.”
WSP首席执行官Lou Cornell


BKF工程师总裁兼首席执行官格雷格·赫德(Greg Hurd)表示,客户兼首席执行官格雷格·赫德(Greg Hurd)表示,客户兼首席执行官格雷格·赫德(Greg Hurd)表示,客户兼首席执行官格雷格·赫德(Greg Hurd)表示,客户的文化,价值观和DEI计划正在成为常态。

“When selecting consultants, owners are seemingly more interested in working with firms that amplify diversity and align with their own cultures and values, rather than the portfolio of our services,” says Hurd. “While services and experience are a key aspect of selecting BKF, we are seeing more owners interested in our culture and how we incorporate DEI into our design philosophy.”


“For many clients, we are developing COVID-19 market impact statements that are tailored to their community and based on research and our experience,” saysHuckabee首席执行官Christopher M. Huckabee。


More than a project consultant, clients are looking for a partner that will help them navigate the fluctuating construction market, he says.

“Huckabee works with our educational partners to develop strategies that involve prototype design, early design packages pre-bond, shorter duration in between bonds and different construction delivery methods,” says Huckabee.


People as a Priority


Sasaki首席执行官James Miner说:“在过去的几年中,世界已经发生了许多变化,如果您的组织没有改变,那么保留人才将非常困难。”他补充说,有多项研究表明工作与生活的平衡,工资和工作质量和文化都在员工保留中发挥了作用。

格雷格·赫德(Greg Hurd)

格雷格·赫德(Greg Hurd), President and CEO, BKF Engineers

Where AECOM believes it sets itself apart is through a focus on shared success.

总统拉拉·波罗尼(Lara Poloni)解释说:“一方面,为我们的人民提供了令人兴奋的,有影响力的项目的挑战性工作,同时鼓励持续学习和技术技能发展。”新利18备用网址“另一方面,通过竞争性薪酬,不断增长的福利以及通过我们发展哲学的自由来推动职业满意度,成功和平衡。”


Houston-based civil engineering firm DEC says it has filled most of its staffing requirements using typical recruiting methods.


“我们的挑战不是独一无二的,”总裁兼执行合伙人Mike Medici说。“我们的工作量继续增长,这是一件积极的事情,但是我们必须继续寻找高质量的人才来满足客户的需求。”

